
Should I or Shouln't I?

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I have been debating this now for a while. i currently have 3 aquariums.

1 is a 30 gallon tall with:

1 Paradise fish

4 Black skirt tetras

2 Platys

3 Cories

My other is also a 30 gallon tall with

1 Black Skirt Tetra

2 Platys

2 Mollies

1 Female betta

Should I combine them?

I want to get some cool fish such as angels, rams, or an elephant nose....but I can't decide what to do with these 2 tanks.




  1. i would give it a try

  2. yea you can combine them. and get the other fish you want and you could put the new fish in one of the other tanks. and you coul (if you wanted to) sell the other tank on ebay or something like that or keep it and put future fish in it.


    You should man!

  4. yup yup you can combind them =)

  5. yes

  6. up to you.

    I wold DEFINATLY combine the tetras though.

    tetras can't be kept alone.

  7. I would be very cautious of mixing the Betta with the Paradise Gourami-- even a female Betta will draw attention.  Other than that, it's a great idea.  A 30 gallon tank is definitely enough room to combine them, and the newly freed tank would be fine for a pair of Angels and a couple Rams, I would, however, skip the Elephant Nose due to size and activity...

    EDIT: Good to see we're on the same page.  For the Angel/Ram tank, you'd definitely have room for some of the moderately sized Tetras (Phantom, Black Skirt, Rummynose, Glowlight, etc.), Rasboras (most any), or smaller Barbs (Cherry, Rosy, Gold).

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