
Should I or not have s*x with him?

by  |  earlier

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This guy and I, who i consider one of my best friends, we've been talking for two years about how we're so perfect for each other but we don't want to mess up our friendship.

I'm still a virgin and he knows he is the only guy i've trusted in a really long time, and he knows i'd give that up to him, but after months of talking about we both decided it's not going work out.

Until a few days ago when he said would you consider it? I don't know whether I should even think about it, or not.

One of the main reasons we didn't get together was because of his ex. Now she's out of the picture, but i'm still unsure..

What should I do?




  1. ok, I'll tell ya but I'm not so sure you will take my advice, here goes.

    s*x is awesome, but don't be so quick to do it, just for the sake of doing it and getting it over with.

    s*x is not like a pop quiz at high school, or prior to a mid term.

    s*x is awesome but it should not be wasted just cause you think he's cool, or cause you like him, or cause he's your friend, or cause you two talked about it..and since you talked about it,,how's about walk the walk, and talk the talk...NO...


    Don't do it.

    cause if he's not the one. and lord knows, we've all done that before, of thinking..He's the One..or She's the One.

    and you give it up quickly. your going to feel like a used open plastic bottle of "Coke"..all the phiz gone, no bubbles, no taste, just plain ole flat.

  2. Its all up to you

    If you feel its right you should , feel your not ready wait

    help please and thnkyu :);...

  3. Jen, keep your virginity. s*x does NOT solve problems, it can aggravate them. s*x does not keep two people together.



  4. if you really trust him, and care about him; and you are ready for that. than i don't see why you shouldn't. i mean, it's a very important decision, not one to take lightly. but if you trust him, and think it's the right time, and he's the one. than go with your heart.

  5. don't have s*x with him its all bad news...

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