
Should I or should I not tell my brother ?

by  |  earlier

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Someone sent me an awful message ( over the internet )

It included many threats.

Some of the threats were involving my brother, his girlfriend and their unborn child.

My question is, should i tell my brother or not bother ?

To be honest, i'm not worried about it and i don't think they'll carry them out, but since there concerning my brother does he have a right to know ? Or will it just cause him unnecessary worry ?

I'm just worried that if i don't tell him then they will eventually get back to him and he'll ask me why i didn't mention anything.

If you found out that people had been sending despicable messages and threats to your sister, some of which regarding you ) and she didn't tell you, how would you react ?




  1. Yes! This involves them too.

    You also have to call the police.

  2. you should tell your brother if they actually followed through with the threats and you did nothing you will feel horrible the rest of your life.  

  3. Go to the police first. Then inform your WHOLE family, as if they know your brother is excepting a child, then they are likely to know allot more. Make sure that your parents and any other living relatives know.  

  4. Definitely tell him!!

    You wouldn't want to put this on the back burner when in actuality they really could carry out their threats.

    Now it could just be someone acting extremely stupid and playing a joke on you. But this shouldn't be taken lightly.

    And if you do find the jerk who made these threats, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

    I hope that NO threats will be carried out, but please tell him.

    You could be avoiding something extremely BIG!!

    God Bless

  5. tell

  6. tell your brother

    and if you didn't delete it take a copy to the cops with the address it came from

  7. I think u should tell him 4 his safety and every 1 Else's involved and also 4 per cation........hope i helped

  8. Tell the police.

    Tell everyone that it included plus parents/gaurdians and police officer.

    I would be mad because they could hurt me.

  9. You should tell him as he has a right to know but also tell him that you dont think that they will do anything. If this was happening to me I would want my sister to tell me so that at least she wasnt worrying by herself.

    Hope this helps!!

  10. You should definitely tell him.. as he has a right to know.. then you should go & tell the police as this situation should not be taken lightly.

  11. You have the right to tell your brother, and you should.

    Also, you should call the police and ask.

    No threat should be taken lightly.

  12. u should tell him even if u don't think that they will do it u still should  

  13. Yes. Id say if it involes him you should tell him and your parents....

  14. You should probably tell him, just in case. If this person actually followed through on their threat, how bad would you feel for not warning him? Also, you could call the Police on them, it's illegal to threaten someone.

  15. I would definitely tell him! and then you need to contact the police.

    It could be a serious threat.

    Or it could just be a joke, but either way it is harassment.

  16. seriously tell your brother, if something actually happened wouldnt you feel awful that you coulda warned him, but you didnt???

  17. Tell him!

  18. tell him so that he can deal with it.

  19. Wtf, of course you tell him.

    Then call the cops.

  20. you should tell him

    and if was in that situation and no one

    didn't tell me i would be really upset.

    so i think you should tell him

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