
Should I parallel wire or series wire my CVR 15" @ 2 ohm??

by Guest65756  |  earlier

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I know its about 500 rms and my amp is also 500 rms I have it in a Ported box But i dont know how i would wire it. Whats the difference?




  1. Well first you need to specify weather or not your wiring two subs or the voice coils.

    If your wiring two subs then if wired in parrallel they will each get about 250 watts per sub. at 2 ohms

    If you wire two subs in series then if both subs are 4 ohm they would be 8 ohms when wired in series. and each would get about 250 watts still.

    If you are wire the voice coiles then go with parrallel. Each coil would get about 500 watts and you would be closer to your rated RMS.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You haven't mentioned if the sub is dual 2 ohm or dual 4 ohm.  Hopefully you didn't get the dual 2 ohm because you can't wire that in parallel and expect your amp to run at a stable impedance.  If you have the dual 4 ohm CVR, wire the voice coils in parallel.

  3. impedence(or resistence) is the difference

    is your amp "1 ohm stable", or "4 ohm stable"?

    (the lower the number the better)

    if it's 1 ohm stable, you can wire them in parallel Red to red to amp positive, black to black to amp negative...etc

    if it's not 1 ohm stable, you will have to go series, 1 speaker positive to other speaker negative, then the leftover positive and negative go to amp positive and negative respectively......

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