
Should I pick up the phone?

by  |  earlier

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I rarely give my # out. I recently changed it cuz 1 stalker and an abusive ex popped out of the blue and called me...He almost killed me, but I never spoke to him, he left a message. Since changing my number I've given it out to 4 strangers. 2 guys, 2 girls. So I feel if any strange activity starts to happen phone wise, I can easily trace it back. Recently I've been getting calls from unrecognizable #'s, back to back to back. They'll call restricted. Unblock the #. 2 mins later call from another number. 2 mins later call from another number. Then call again. Sometimes 5-6 times in a row. I never pick up as I dont know the numbers and messages are never left. This has been happening for almost a month. I traced the #'s online, some are landlines, some ring to hotel/motels. I have no idea who it can be. But I won't lie that it's starting to get me nervous. Should I pick up the next time I get a call from these random #'s. I'm just worried....




  1. Call your phone company.  There is also the *72 which traces the phone call and sends the report to the police department.  Many times people spoof their number through a third party service.  Maybe it's the same person calling from the same number, but when you spoof, any number can appear.  Your cell number can be easily hacked by this service and if you have messages from your home, that's one way they could be getting your phone number.  There are ways to protect yourself, you gotta be smart about these things.

  2. call police

  3. First of all, and most important, contact your phone company and inform them you are receiving repetitive crank calls.  File a formal complaint with them.  They can put an active trace on your line for all incoming calls. Their trace technology is far superior to yours and this will help in a court of law if it is proven the calls are related to your previous problems.  Change your number again, but inform all your friends and family that you will call them,do not give out the new number (that may help narrow down the caller's identity).  If the calls continue, contact your local law enforcement agency and put them in contact with the phone company so that the police can build a case against the person(s) responsible.  Also, check into filing a restraining order against the attacker you mentioned if you think they may be responsible.

  4. YES I THINK SO YOU SHOULD PICK UP the phone and know exactly who is on the other line to determine if this is a guy who is considered to be a stalker or just a guy you know who is just playing a joke. By mere listening to the voice you can determined if it is familiar or not, if not then you should think of ways to either change your number or change card or elude these guy.

    ALMOST 90% people call the person they knew either in the past or just met recently. Maybe you met these guy somewhere else but couldn't remember. Figure it out carefully.

  5. For someone who doesn't give out her number often, you're doing quite a job of it! Why would you give out your number when this is something that is making you nervous? You might be wise to change your number again and PLEASE don't give it out to anyone you do not know!

    Good Luck~

  6. Another thing to consider is that when you change your number you will get the phone calls for the person who previously held that number.  Likely as not you will get the annoying calls that person was trying to ditch by changing their number.

  7. Why did you give it out to strangers? I would call your carrier and see if they can trace the number somehow even though you don't know what it is.

  8. Get a Shrink first to work out your anxiety and dissasociative disorder.  Yeah, you sound like the type that needs a little help after all that you have been through and that would help you much more in the end.

    Sign up at the Do not call registry and get your phone listed so that people that are telemarketers and such do not call you anymore.

    Record your calls, if the calls are originating from outside meaning they are calling you too, you can also record them for the phone company and file police reports if at all necessary, such as threats, and other harassment is made.

    You can tend to get a call from random numbers after the phone company has switched numbers and gave you one that has been deactivated for only a short time.  Ask your phone company to give you a number that has not been active for at least 1 year, and that should clear that up. or even a number that has never been used.  They can do this for free if you request it to be done and you dont even have to show a little leg for it.

    If you get a phone call from a random number, and want to record it, radio shack is the best source for recording stuff for phones.  And it is legal and you do not have to inform them that you are recording it, becuaes they are calling you.

    If you are calling someone else than this violates the telecommunications act of 1998 and 1982. That could wind you up in jail for 5 years federal time and fines up to 10,000 $

    So the best thing for you to do is face your fears, however have the right instrumentation available so that you will have evidence of it for the police if you get an y harrassing phone calls, or threats over the phone.  Then they can trace the number as well as get a description of their voice from the tape and you wont have the problem anymore.

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