Hi, I am in Central North Carolina (the piedmont region) and I have about given up on fescue. We are such transition state I'm not sure if I should try a warm seson grass or not. I have planted a fescue blend for several seasons without much luck. We have clay soil almost a peach color not really red. I limed the soil a few weeks before, then turned the soil over, planted the grass and starter fertalizer, watered the best I could. It always sprouts pretty good I'd say 80-90% but the first real heat it begins to brown and die. The grass never really matures. I planted last october, the grass sprouted up was fine until june or so. I already have bermuda creeping over from my neighbors yard (thanks) and it grows fine. I'm at the point of just planting whatever will grow and fill in the bare spots. I know bermuda grows thick and is aggressive and from what I hear its hard to start from seeds to get pods and will stay brown half the year. Any experiance would help. I would wait probably till next april for the warm season grass. It rarley gets below 20 degrees here in January, and we have 40+ days of 90 degrees in the summer. (had 63 last year jeez). I'm sure the builder scraped and sold our topsoil when they cleared our lot about 4 years ago. Thanks for any input.