
Should I play MGS Portable Ops before MGS4?

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or is it really not needed. does the 4th game make ANY references to the events of portable ops or could i play the 4th and then play portable ops, because it would only add extra info, but not crucial or even referred in MGS4? hope you give me good justified answers! thanks




  1. Well, the MGS Portable Ops talk about Big Boss's story, not Solid Snake's. But since it is considered a prequel to MGS4 and the series, I guess it is vital to play it in order to understand the WHOLE story about it. Since MGS4 is the last game of the series(maybe), it will reveal every question that had us puzzled in the whole game series. So I guess playing Portable Ops can help you understand the whole situation better, but it's really up to you.

  2. Well, yes, it would be nice to do so...but PO retcons quite a few things in the past games, which MGS4 does refer to.....but its not needed to play it...u could watch the cutscenes and codecs...

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