
Should I play Right or left handed guitar??? (I am a Lefty)?

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Note: I am a begginer; no experience

I am left handed and a left handed guitar feels more comfertable to me but right handed feels ok too. I don't really want to go through the hassle of finding one and then ill have to switch around all the chords and stuff. (there are only a limited number of left handed books and most of them aren't good). And ive heard that once you get used to playing righty then leftys have an advantage because we can move our hands faster on the fret.

Should I play right or left?




  1. Your brain disposition is already different from right handed ones, your capacity for absorbing content is much greater and your learning process is developed because of the good lateralization left handed have. these are scientific facts from researches on learning.

    As a pro musicians i recommend you to play left, as you are, Michael Angelo is left handed!!

    It's never true that right handed acquire it faster, the point is that they are using like generic format and you are using a more specific one, if you wish it's like Windows and Linux.

    The difficulties for you are concerning finding a good guitar and you should always reverse the rules (mirror effect) however you'll  develop a good feeling and a natural technique without forcing your brain to always reverse the image if you play right handed.

    this is a common problem among pianists in matters of left hand movement. An advice for your right hand: try to write texts with it! that way your coherence and coordination will be better.

    Best of luck.

  2. I started out playing righty style but I could never really get the strumming down.

    Lately I've been wanting to take up the bass, so I switched the strings around on my guitar to see if it would feel to play lefty style.

    It's difficult and it feels as unnatural as when I first started out, most likely because I AM just starting out (playing lefty style). It's a whole new thing you have to get used to.

    When I buy a bass I'm either getting a lefty bass or a righty that I'll then turn around so I can play it lefty style.

    A crazy suggestion, try playing air guitar to one of your favorite songs and see which way you hold your air guitar. Afterwards, try switching it around. See what feels more natural.

    Lastly I don't get the switching around chords thing. If you play an A chord for instance, it's the same 3 fingers you're using, on the same 3 strings, same 3 frets just with another hand. It's not that hard, you just have to get used to it!

  3. left (since yore a lefty).

  4. Both have their advantages, however I'd recommend playing righty for a few reasons:

    1. If you ever want to buy a used, left-handed guitar, good luck! It won't be easy to find exactly the one you want.

    2. Most left handed guitars are pricier than right handed since they're less common.

    3. Once you get used to playing right handed it really isn't much difference, and you aren't at a disadvantage because of it either

    4. Things will all around be easier and simpler if you learned righty

    however the advantage to playing lefty is that you'll be able to pick it up faster.

    So really, it depends on you. I'd recommend learning righty for simplicity's sake but whatever feels more comfortable for you.

  5. one cool thing about learning lefty is that when a "righty" teaches you, it's like looking in a mirror. it helps if your sitting face to face.

    if you ever need some inspiration to play lefty, two words...

    jimi hendrix!!

    and it'd make a right handed guitar into a lefty. so never feel like you're limited to guitars.

  6. I play right-handed and am totally left. If I would have known what I know today, I would have played left-handed because that is my fast hand.

    On the other hand, the right hand is important for speed picking but still, learn left-handed if you are confortable with it.

    and PLEASE, their are no such thing as left-handed books. Forget that.....ridiculous. The mind can transfer the reading in the blink of an eye.

    It's like trying to convince me that their are books for left handed piano player. NO !!!!

    As a guitar player,  I thought that way and regeret it a little today.  I have amazing speed as is but if i had a choice to redo it, I would be left-handed no doubt.

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