
Should I play for my team in the playoffs after I fractured my upper arm bone. My team desperately needs me!?

by  |  earlier

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When I was playing Tennis last week I noticed that my arm was hurting on really badly and as a warning, it affected my serve and forehand which are really important to the game. I went to the doctors and they said that I should take a timeout from Tennis. I didn't and as a result, I fractured my bone in my upper arm so now its hurts even more. But i cant stop playing because 2morrow is the playoffs but I dont' want to break my arm! What should I do play or rest. 2morrow is really important and im 3rd singles its almost like I have 2 go.




  1. Your kidding right? So .. to appease them  ... you are willing to injure yourself further ... plus ... your play is going to suffer from your injury ....

    Take care of yourself ... tennis is not that important ....

    Don't get me wrong .. I have been where you are at ... I am currently injured and have sectionals coming up ... but my health is my number one priority ....

  2. but if u do more damage you are risking more time out wich cood afect u even more. mentally and physically.

  3. i really understand your dilema. but from experience, i would consider laying off from the tournament tomorrow. this is because you shouldnt risk your chances of breaking your arm, in which case you would miss more days of tennis. think of it from a proffesional point of view; when a player gets injured, they withdraw from the tournament, becuase in the long run, it is a wiser decision. I hope i helped :)

  4. Sounds like a no brainer.

    Of course you shouldn't play. Your doctor has already warned you and you could very possibly do more harm to your arm and be laid off for a very long time. Even pros are smart enough to stop playing for injuries much smaller than yours.

    If your team is in the playoffs and they absolutely cannot win without you, it's not much of a team.

  5. No, no, no and no!!! That is the absolute mistake you will be doing when you keep on playing with the injury. If you do, not only will you not be helping your team out, you will be ruining yourself long term when that injury goes further as it already is. Do you think you could still win with that injury when you play? Chances are, you'd lose and then your injury gets worse. It's double jeopardy!!!

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