
Should I play if just getting over injury?

by Guest63887  |  earlier

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I have an Ultimate Tennis semi match Saturday, and a month ago I had injurd my hand with broken glass and ripped it apart and received 12 stitches. Yesterday was first day I was able to not wear a covering on it and it has healed for most part. However the doc said they want me to use my fingers and exercise them. I went to hit the other day with the bandage and all, and it was ok but my pinky is still a bit numb, and light pain. I went to hit with my coach earlier today and did "ok" but not as I usually do. I surely dont want to forfeit a match, I so hate that. Should I at least give it a shot? If I lose at least I tried right? Or do you think I shoudl not play and just let it go and go disappinted yet once again?




  1. I have an Ultimate Tennis semi match on Sunday, and if I were you, I would play.  I played 7 matches this season, and a grueling quarter final to get to the semi. And if you win this match, you get at least a 10 inch silver plate for bing a finalist! If I could hold a racquet, I would play. Its not the kind of injury (like a joint injury), that can threaten to seriously get worse either.  Show up, play, and if it starts to hurt badly, or really bleed, just stop.  Show up, and try.  Is there any way to postpone the match to give yourself a few more days to recover?  Have to scouted your opponent?  Is he any good?  I am playing in the Bay Area in California at the 3.5 level... How about you?  Good luck, regardless of what you decide.

  2. are you sure there are no muscles or tendons or even joints being injured? from your story there could be not only some skin scratches. i'd suggest you see the doctor again and confirm if you are allowed to play tennis. otherwise give it some rest. hope it helps :)

  3. Yea you should give it a shot. just take it easy and try not to over work the area of your injury and you should be all set to go.

  4. Yeah, dude, give it a try. If it starts to hurt really bad then u forfiet. Never quit unless you give it a try. Go for it and i hope you win!

  5. How serious was your previous injury?

    If it was quite serious, I would recommend just letting it go. I guess when there is a serious injury, I feel like a lot more could go wrong even if you believe its healed. I rather just do a nice slow transition just to be on the safe side.

    If the injury wasn't as bad, but it does sound bad, you should give it a shot. The light pain you suggested make it seem like you can play through it.

    Good luck with your tennis and hope your injuries heal completely!

  6. if i was u ied play till my hand fell off

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