
Should I play in the graduation or watch it?

by  |  earlier

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My older sister is graduating tonight and I planned on watching, but then my band director called and said its technically a performance and that I should be there. My director is a hard-*** and I won't hear the end of it on Saturday (we are marching and playing in a parade). So should I go and watch, or play with the band?




  1. Id say play in the band.

    we had to play at graduation. and i had to play when my boyfriend graduated.

    so i think you should play. because your still gonna be there for her.

    and your double supporting her because your playing for her.


  2. HI there.  If you are a member of the school band...  you are obligated to participate in the required performances.   I know it does not seem fair and in special cases like yours... you should be excused (after all....  you are going to be in attendance) but unfortunately it does not work that way.   I would play because you don't really want to get on his bad side.... especially if you are in the marching band and have summer band camp coming up.  For some reason, those band directors have the memories of elephants.    Know what I mean???   To make you feel better,  think of this as something you are doing for your sister.    Be proud of her and play your heart out.   You can then say,  "I played for my sister's graduation."  which is something you can be proud of yourself, too!!!   :))

  3. Watch...I'm sure most people don't like being in the band.

  4. I think you should do what the band director says.

  5. watch ur sister's graduation....u can play in the band any day but when will you hve another chance to see ur sister graduate ?...dont let the director boss u around and bully you into doing something u dont want to do

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