
Should I play school volleyball or club?

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i wanna play club ball cause im on a national team and it will get me better. but all my friends are going out for the school team and i don't want to be left out. and second my friends are saying stuff like o we will suck with out you you have to go out for the team! idk HELP!!!




  1. Play both. You can play both high school and club.

  2. well, im doing both.

    its better to do both, because then youll be playing volleyball all year long.

    +for school;

    things actually matter if you lose games or win them. because than your school gets known. and its easier because it costs less and instead of having tournaments every other weekend or whatever, you just get like two games a week.

    +for club;

    it doesnt really matter if you win or lose, its basically about you getting better for the next highschool level. but then you get to be better than everyone else and you get recognized more. but like, when you go to your friends games, you get to watch and help them improve becuase youll know more about what to do.

  3. It depends on how good you are.

    If your not that good u can probally make school but not club

    if you make club they will make you alot better at volleyball.

    and you could posibaly become pro!


  4. Think of it in the long run. Playing on your school team could get you somewhere unless everyone else sucks and it's just you because then no one will come see you play. If your on a national team that could really get you somewhere! I would pick that one hands down. Who cares what your friends are doing and in 5 years when your amazing and there not you'll know why. =]

  5. play club if u have the money but school vball might be funner cuz all ur friends will be there

  6. i would pick club because u not only learn more skills its more fun i think. and if you really want to, do both.

  7. I think you should play club because i was in the same positon and i picked club. I had so much more fun than the previous year and all my friends by the next year were playing club with me.

  8. I think you should play club.  Especially if you make it to nationals!! My team is going to nationals this year and I am so excited!!!  School volleyball would be a fun time with your friends, but if you want better competition and want people who really love the sport play club.

  9. You should play both

    && if thee schedules clash

    Go with wat YOU want

    Not your friends..They should support you either way

  10. play both

  11. i was in the same situation for cheer competitive or school. i chose school. just think decorating locker rooms and bus rides over other schools, plus hanging with your friends is a lot of fun. in the long run you can't make a life on volleyball pass college. i no my volleyball team was lots of fun because of the quick bond you already have with your teamates. but if u want to go to college for volleyball and you dont have that great of a team but really want to get noticed then i would do club. it all depends on what you want to do later on if your life! good luck this year!

  12. It depends on where you want to go with it.  I only played for my school because I wasn't trying to play in college, I just wanted to be decent and have fun.  Also, playing club would have meant quitting dance and other activities that were important to me.  However, my sister wanted to play in college and club was able to prepare her for that.  If you really love the sport, I would try to do both if you can.

  13. Luckily for me, my school VB is in fall, and club is in winter-spring. I play both, and it greatly increases my skill level. If i make the school team, i know im almost gauranteed to make my club's national team.

    honestly, id play on your club team. You'll have an experienced coach, experienced players, and will be playing against people who are gauranteed to give you a run for your money.

  14. if possible, do both. i play club and the season dosent start until after school seasons, but if not play club b/c you get MUCH more training durinf club ball. it lasts a longer time and you practice more and you play more games. and if your on a travel team, you get to go out of town which you dont get to do playing  school ball. and think obout this-- people play club so that they can make their school team. and schools look for club players-- so you decide. \

    play club this year and that way you will be prepared for your school team next year and be garonteed to make it!

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