
Should I play the flute or the clarinet?

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So, basically I just started Middle School and my chosen elective was band. When the teacher was explaining both the flute and the clarinet, I seemed to like both. I'm stuck between the middle of both, and as you know, I can't decide. If you guys are going to say, "You should play what your heart feels like" then that won't help. Because half of my soul is in flute, and half is in the clarinet. Also, I've been researching on the internet about the pro's and con's for the clarinet and flute. It seems that all the con's are almost the same, and so are pro's. I'd like to hear past experiences if possible, and maybe that could help me decide?

Also, we won't actually start playing until it's maybe around late September, but I'm getting my instrument this weekend already.

And in Elementary School they've taught us recorder in music. I also know how to play the piano, so reading notes aren't a problem.




  1. go to the music store and get a feel for both. I actually tried both before settling on a trombone(don't ask;) anyway I tried both and liked the flute better. the advantage to playing clarinet is that when you improve you can try saxaphone, those are fun but the down side was all the squeaking when you first learn. I found the flute easier to play.

    have you considered a brass instrument? well I had to ask. Anyway good luck with your choice

  2. Okay. So I had the same problem as you about 5 years ago, but I decided to play French horn. Anyway, I still can help you because I was in band 3 years.

    Both the flute and the clarinet are wind instruments. The main difference is that you will need to buy reeds for the clarinet..and lots of them when you first start. I really can't tell you which one is easier, because I've had no personal experience, but in my class there were a lot more clarinet players than flute players in the long run so maybe you should consider choosing the one where there is less people with the instrument so that you might have bigger parts when you perform.

    And do you like the sweet, high sound of the flute better than the deeper one of the clarinet? Listen to the different sounds and choose which one you like better.

    Good luck!!!

  3. If you want to just play basically high notes, go with the flute. If you want to play alllllllll kinds of notes, play the clarinet. Both are beautiful instruments.

  4. Clarinet all the way. If you're going to be in Marching band and you have cold winter, pick the Clarinet. There's nothing like cold metal hitting your lips!

  5. Clarinet!!!

  6. This is a wonderful choice to have to make.

    The clarinet has a great range, and is simpler to play because the reed takes care of the flow of air. You can tongue a reed, but not a flute. But more music is written for flute. But clarinet is used more widely in jazz. Why not learn how to play both?

  7. People have had great responses, so here are a few more things to think about:

    what kind of music do you like? If you're going to be playing just one instrument all your life - will you want to play baroque classical (tons of flute music for that) or romantic classical (Brahms wrote two glorious clarinet-piano sonatas), and so forth. Clarinet is great for dance band and jazz; flute is wonderful for jazz and classical and contemporary music.

    Marching band: take a look at the lyres for both instruments. Does either look like it would be a problem? Clarinetists affix their to the instrument; flutists hold theirs under the left arm.

    Reeds - will you mind working with these? When you buy a flute, you don't have to mess with those.

    Flute is a C instrument; clarinet is B-flat (I think). I play flute and can pick up tunes from piano music scores because the piano is also a C instrument.

    Clarinet is close to saxophone - I would think that learning clarinet would help you with a sax, should you ever lean in that direction.

    There is no wrong choice here. Remember that whichever you choose now, you can take up the other instrument later on. Have fun!

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