
Should I play volleyball, or should i run for secretary?

by  |  earlier

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The volleyball people haven't picked teams yet and I'm having second thoughts about playing.

this is because i'd rather do something like be secretary or be in a club or something.

should i just stop going to volleyball practice (volleyball's OKAY it's not one of my passions,) or should i run for secretary or do something thats more academic for my first half of freshman year?

i don't want answers like * it's your choice, choose what you want*

because obviously i don't know what i want




  1. Well what are your aspirations. Do you want a nice resume for the future or do You want to play VB have fun and maybe play at the next level. I can't tell you what to do. I can say that I would Play VB given both choices. I love the sport, I play it well, And if I had been a few inches taller I would have gone overseas to play professionally. You sound like being a secretary is more important to you so do that and play VB on the side.

  2. Definately do both.  It will better prepare you for college and the real world.  Multi-tasking, prioritizing and efficiency are all things you will need in high school, college and your future career.  Being active in school, both through academics, clubs and sports teams, help prepare you for the real world.

    By having a fuller plate (volleyball and a Student Government position) plus your regular activities, you are forced to prioritize and you cannot procrastinate with studying and your homework so you end up doing better in school.  The semesters I had multiple things going on were always my best grades.

    In high school, I played volleyball, was Yearbook Editor-In-Chief and participated in 4 different clubs.  I refused to give up anything, so I made it work and it made college a LOT easier than it would have been!

  3. If you are good at sports take Volleyball!...Secretary will kill you..sitting all day!

  4. BOTH!!!  I did both and am so glad I did.  Both look good on a resume and show that you are well-rounded and have interests across the board.  And, I think for me, the most important thing at the time was that I had friends of different kinds and made connections with people I might not normally have met or hung out with.  All around both were wonderful, yet different, experiences.  And volleyball isn't all year, so it wasn't too stressful at all! :)  Good luck!  I hope you get to do everything you want!

  5. try to stick with the volleyball, its good for your body and perhaps will be the impetus you need to continue to exercise the rest of your life!

  6. volleyball. playing sports is very healthy and fun to play with friends

  7. You should be able to do both but I would say give volleyball a shot and see if you like it. You have 3 more years to change to student council and add additional clubs to your activities if you like or figure out your schedule so you can do both volleyball and the clubs.

    Hope this helps.

  8. ok, then do both.  You May not be a volleyball superstar, but you enjoy it, so go for a team.  

    If your run for student office you may not win, but it's fun to do, and doesn't take that much time, really

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