
Should I point out my faults phyiscally to a girl or let her make her own mind up?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I met this girl a while back at a gig and ever since we've been in touch on email, msn, phone etc etc as she lives far away from me. Anyway to cut a long story short we've got quite close and just lately we've confessed we both really like each other a lot and want to embark on a full on relationship when she returns from holiday in a fortnight. Now, she has seen me in real life but we were both a little drunk and the pics she's seen of me online are pics I think I look very good on.

I have today sent her some pics of me I hate because i dont want her getting her hopes up as i think she has somewhat built me up in her mind. Anyway what I want to know is do you guys think I should point out my less attractive features to her or wait for her to notice them herself or not as the case may be. The thing is I have a weird nose that I cant imagine her liking but I kinda dont want to have to point it out as its embarrassing but id much rather she found out now than when we're together as that would really hurt and also leave me in a bad situation financially and logistically.

Thanks guys.




  1. ok nobody talks like in a fortnight anymore.

    NO, just let her respond to your pics

  2. i think it was cool to send her pictures.  its always good to be honest and up front.  however, chill dude!  have some confidence in yourself.  do not point out your own faults.  the things that you don't like about yourself, she might actually like.  trust me, a relationship is not all about the way a person looks.  but it does sound like you two haven't spent that much time together in person.  you definitely need to do that because a physical attraction (which has nothing to do at all with  your nose)  is very important.  you shouldn't be discussing starting a relationship unless you already know that the chemistry is there.  

  3. chill out man give the girl  a chance no one likes someone who is down on themselves

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