
Should I point out to my son's all star baseball coach that a certain player is KILLING our team?

by  |  earlier

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It is a machine pitch 8 and under tournament and this kid usually plays pitcher or 2nd base. The kid errors more than 50%. It is evident to everyone but the coach that the kid should be hidden in right field or bench. I want to suggest another kid to play in infield (Not my son). It is evident after 5 games that infield defense makes or breaks the game. This coach is leaving more able kids in the outfield to watch games get lost. No hit in the outfield really hurts this team like outs missed in the infield. However, I know it is not easy to be the coach, and I dont want to be the meddling parent who thinks he knows better, but it is really hard to watch the errors.




  1. Support your kid and the team. Invite the sucky kid over to practice with your son and teach them both, that's the only way they will both improve.

  2. i think u should, but thats just me

    because i play softball and our team has that same problem

    and and if you tell the coach and he does put that kid somewhere else, the team might have a better baseball experience

  3. i thing hes yo7ur kid y would u do that hes in baseball to have fun not to win and get pertraded by u so i say no dont do it will crush your son ok!!!!

  4. Dude, let me ask you, If it was your kid making the errors would you feel the same?, I bet not. I have been on both sides, as a coach and as a parent, my kid is 7, Kids of these ages are learning, yes some play better than others, but it is not about the winning only, it's about TEAMWORK, every kid should play every position no matter what, they will get more confidence doing this, than winning 1 or 2 games more because such and such were in certain positions, ever notice that the kids are never the problem? PARENTS ARE. the kids go home happy just because they were out there playing BASEBALL!!!!!!!! I f you feel that youre kid deserves more than the others or that he is much better than the others, you are wrong and should find some competitive leagues, where you can pay to have your kid play!!!!!!!!

  5. Take heed in the last line of your post and stay out of it. If you want to coach, you should coach....

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