
Should I practise privately on an automatic car when taking paid lessons on manual?

by  |  earlier

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I want to pass on a manual car, but only have an automatic at home that I could practise on with my mum. I've had 4 hours of lessons and I get the hang of clutch control (though it's not perfect by any means) but just want more experience in keeping in the correct place in the road and road conditions




  1. I got lessons in a manual car and also learnt privately in a manual but realy dont matter coz ya instructor is gonna show you every thing...

  2. theres no point in practicing on an automatic if you want to drive manual. you need to find a friend with a manual and practise on it. i had been driving automatic for 10yrs before i learned manual. and believe me. i almost had a heart attack when i first drove manual. thats how different it is.

  3. Well, no amount of driving an automatic transmission is going to further your skills with a manual transmission, at all, however, I say: Yes, practice privately on the automatic transmission, only because there is no such thing as too much experience behind the wheel.

    You may not be getting the practice with a manual transmission in at home, but you are getting valuable learning time driving period.

    So yes, practice driving at home with the automatic, even though it won't help your manual skills, it will improve your driving skills overall.

  4. Sure any practice will help but you really need to find a car with a manual transmission to practice on because you tend to be more relaxed and confident away from an instructor or anyone who will be critical.

  5. Yes for now just used the auto and then learn later on the manual.

  6. I can't hurt to know how to operate both, but I think if you can handle a manual transmission, you can handle almost anything.

  7. yo have it backwards ur taking lessons in an automatic while practicing  in a manual

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