
Should I propose yet?

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I know the girl I'm with is the one I want to marry...she said she wants to be proposed to in the summer and this summer is almost over, but i feel like its too soon n she may feel the same, but that next summer may be too long....should I just wait until next summer?




  1. If you are asking this question than you still need some more time. It sounds like you are not ready yet. Take your time and don't rush. Marriage is a big deal.

  2. Ask when your ready to.Dont let her rush you.

  3. if ur sure n ur parents are fine with it go ahead

  4. Wait until your ready.  It doeasnt have to be in the summer.

  5. i think you should do it when your ready and you can tell that she is too, a certain season wont tell you that. i dont know what difference it would make that the proposal would be in the summer, i did get asked in the summer but the season really doesnt mean anything to me...but if she insists on having it in the summer wait till next summer, because if your asking the question, your not ready...hope this helps!

  6. Well you should propose when you are ready.  Marriage is a big step and you want to make sure you are both ready.  If this summer is too soon and next summer is too far away, then how about somewhere in between.  If you propose in November or even February, she will be surprised and not expecting it.  Good luck!

  7. Well,

         Since summer is over, Take her to a well known local beach, at night when the sky is all pink and purple say "The sky is beautiful, Just like you" She was probbobly say "awwww" and you would smile, Then you get on one knee and then look into her eyes and popp the question brother. It isn't as easy as asking her on a date.

  8. go ahead!!

  9. hey she just told you to do something be a good husband and do it please

  10. You didn't say how long you've been together.  If it's less than a year, wait until next summer, so you can really get to know each other better.  Also, you didn't mention how old you both are.  If you're still relatively young (say, under 25) you've still got time and should wait until next year.  However, if you've already been together for 2 years or more and you're in your mid to late twenties, what are you waiting for??? DO IT!!!

  11. Don't propose just because of the season, you need to propose when you both feel ready.  So just wait,  And if she says something about waiting too long for next summer, then I would remind her that she has the seasonal requirements, not you.

    Marriage is a huge decision, not something that should be dictated by the temperature outside.  That is just crazy.

  12. ya. ur not doing anything wrong if she said summer

  13. honestly, if she loves you, it shouldn't matter what time of year you actually propose...

    but, if its really a priority, i'd say wait. if you feel its too soon now, then it is. and she'll always be there if she's said she wants to marry you, so it should be fine.

  14. Congratulations.

    Just remember that it doesn't have to be summer. It can be just as special or even more beautiful in the wintertime with enough time to plan for a summer wedding.

    Just propose when you're ready... no point in rushing such a lifetime decision.

    All the best.

  15. You should propose when u r ready. If u feel that aren't ready don't rush.

  16. if your are 100% sure shes the one you wanna be with then go for it dont let nothing/know one stop you

  17. Honestly man you'll know when to ask and if you decide to wait then its coll because if your gonna be together the rest of your lives then whats another summer gonna hurt. I would propose because when you propose then there's no deadline when you have to get married, you could be engaged for 2 years who knows. So ask her.

  18. The best thing you need to do is to discuss this with her.  Go ahead and profess your love for her and that you know she is the only one you want to live your life with.

    But be honest with her about why you feel you are not ready to ask her, and at the same time assure her that you really want to.

    But you know (but...but...but...!!!), if you are not really ready for marrying her, the reason for that is critical in her assessment of you!  You could break her female fantasies about her romance with you if you just do not know what you want to do!

    Females ALWAYS live by romantic fantasies, and those fantasies grow as the more serious you get with her in your relationship.  The old joke about the hen saying about the rooster "He makes the sun come up every morning, I love him so much!" is not really such a far-off joke when a woman is totally in love with a man.

    Yeah, we guys have fantasies too, we do that when we talk about sports or trains or airplanes or skiing or .... about women and having s*x!!!!  But women have a much different fantasy that becomes their form of reality when they are in love with a special guy.  I know our stupid mothers don't tell us guys about what women think and how we should treat special love interests when we're teenagers, our mothers and fathers don't tell us a lot of things about life that we should know to become mature adults!

    Anyway.  You need to sit under a tree in a park and think about this really carefully and thoroughly.  What do you want your woman to know?  WHEN WOULD YOU like to marry her?  If it is because you have not settled in a career or not having gotten your higher education out of the way yet, she will understand that!  If your mind is just not functioning because you have not put 2 + 2 together yet, then she is not going to think very favorably about that.

    Hey guy, the Africans in the movie Roots had a custom called "jumping the broom" to get married!  Your decision is a lot like your having to "jump the broom" to decide when to get married!  Put it all into perspective, talk it over carefully with your woman so you do not upset her feelings, and make a plan together.  "Okay honey, when such-and-such happens, I'm going to ask you to marry me, and then we're going to get married if you say yes."  Of course, you can propose to her now and give her your engagement ring with a firm but unset marriage date in the near future, say this fall, or this winter, but don't let it be a procrastinating put-off!!!!  By no means put her into the waiting-and-waiting syndrome!  She is probablly already planning on your marriage AND starting a family, which is the reason we have marriage and romance and dating in the first place... finding a perfect mate to have a family with, and that should be all planned out in advance!

    Good luck!

  19. If you're ready to propose, do it now! :) There's no time like the present, as they say! But surprise her! And make sure you get down on one knee!

  20. What's the hurry?

    If you really love each other then next summer is not too long to wait.

    Marriage is a big step and one you should take seriously.

    If you are asking questions then it's a good sign you should wait - maybe until spring.
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