
Should I put 1 time acts of charity as volunteer work on a resume?

by Guest65058  |  earlier

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I have done a number of 1 time volunteer things such as marathons/5K/10K walks to raise money or helping register voters during election times and things like that, should these types of things go on a resume? I do not have much in terms of any long term volunteer work but I am still active in giving back through these other ways.




  1. really depends upon what type of job are you applying for. but in reality, if you don't have a consistent volunteer gig, it is tough to validate the entry upon a resume.

    I would keep it off and if it comes up in the interview, cool.

  2. No, don't put them on a resume.  The purpose of a resume is to get your foot in the door of an organization - so you can have a face-to-face interview with them.  Putting one-time events like this on a resume won't help you get that "foot in the door"; but you will score points by just dropping the hint in your conversation with them that you do these things on the side, so that a potential employer sees a different side of your personality and the things that motivate you.

  3. Yes, you should put these activities on your resume. They show that you are invested in your community, that you know how to interact with other people, that you have a life outside of work, that you are a caring person, and that you can balance work and outside-of-work life.

  4. I think you should think of a volunteer position that would aid your career development and stay with it for 1-2 years.  If you put that on a resume, I think it would be a true addition.

    To put marathons on there (unless you are applying for a Physical Ed teaching position) would be stretching a bit.

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