
Should I put LimeAway in my Dishwasher ?

by  |  earlier

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hey , I am needed to clean out a dishwasher . It was with the house when i moved in and I want to give it a good cleaning before putting my dishes in it . It has Lime very very badly . its awful .

Anyways . All I have is LimeAway , I dont have any viniger , or clr .. Just Lime Away . ( making that clear because sometimes when i ask questions people suggest me doing something that is not related to my question topic , LIME AWAY ) sorry this is my 2nd time asking . the first time was a failure . Anyway . How much lime away should i put into my dishwasher ? it does not info i need on the bottle . Chemicles really freak me out so please help me out .




  1. No I would NOT use LimeAway in the dishwasher.  LimeAway may well damage your machine. There is a product made by Jet-Dry to clean and maintain your dishwasher, and available at most grocery stores.  It does remove limescale.  Depending on how bad it is in your machine it may take a couple of cleanings to get rid of the build up. I use this product once a month.  We live in an area where there are a lot of mineals in the water, and we are actually looking to installing a water softening system that will help to correct the problems.  

  2. Yes you can but I would dilute it with water (hald water and half lime away)and put it in a spray bottle and spray the inside of the dishwasher. Let it work and then run the dishwasher to rinse it out. Get some vinegar and keep it on hand. You can add 1/4 cup to the rinse cycle everytime you do dishes.

  3. Yes, you can use the LimeAway in the dishwasher. Start the dishwasher on heavy duty cycle (pots and pans) wait for it to fill. Open the door and put in about a cup of the LimeAway, close the door and let the washer finish. If it is really bad it may take more than one try or you can try more of the LimeAway. It is important that you let the dishwasher fill with water BEFORE adding the LimeAway as all dishwashers start by doing a drain at the very beginning of the cycle and if you put the LimeAway in before it fills it will be immediately drained out. Good Luck.

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