
Should I put a McCain Sticker on my car or not?

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I drive a 2008 BMW 335i Coup. So people assume that I'm an arrogant @sshole. I'm pretty sure that my car will get keyed. But if I put an Obama sticker on my car, It would be untouched. What gives?




  1. Don't put any on your car. Bumper stickers or window decals are so tacky. Especially when you drive a luxury vehicle such as a BMW.  

  2. Most people do not like McCain.

    Thus far, no one has keyed my car for my Obama magnet. I actually get asked where I got it more than anything else.

  3. I wouldn't put any sticker on my BMW.

    And, people are going to assume your an "A" just because you drive a nice car. Crabs in a bucket, people hate to see others doing well.

  4. You are funny.  You are trying to impress people you don't know with the kind of car you drive.  sorry, didn't work for me.  Oh and you are trying to insinuate that Obama supporters are more inclined to key autos.  lame

    and people who put any bumper stickers on a car are more apt to road rage.  I heard that on JB & Sandy Morning show and I believe it.

  5. That shows the typical mentality of the left, The thinking goes..."You have more than me, its not fair, I must hurt you and bring you down."  

    Vote McCain, but put the sticker on your car at your own risk.  

  6. You play the game you pay the price, just like you do the crime, you do the time. If you think McCain is your choice put the sticker on your car, and don't put Obama in your lack of trust, that problems will happen.

    I don't care who is running and how well I like their ideas, no way in h**l I'm I going to put a sticker on my 2008 BMW 335i Coup.

  7. not

  8. If you do, put it on the back window so it can come off easily when McCain has won this election.  I have an Obama sticker on mine but I painted a large "N" before the name making it NObama 08.

    What gives is, did you see the news today where they arrested 130 protesters at the RNC convention?  They don't like to lose and they are without a doubt losing this election just like they lost the last two presidential elections.  Sucks to be a three time loser or a 4 and 5 times loser like Nader.

  9. I think it's a gamble with either of the candidate stickers. If you don't want your car keyed, I would not put that sticker on.

  10. hey i have the same car, in white. but don't put the sticker up, there's no point its not like a sticker is going to change anybody's vote.  go and vote for whoever you want, and it shouldn't be anyones business

  11. How you figure if you put an Obama sticker on it.. it won't ? You haven't even done it And I'm sure you don't know anyone with one

  12. Put the sticker on. Be a man.,

    I've got one on my car and a sign on my lawn.

    Isn't the 335i the real small BMW?

  13. Isn't it aggravating?

    Liberals simply do not believe in living in a civil society.  Destroying personal property, spitting on policemen and soldiers, burning the flag, and engaging in disruptive demonstrations are solely a Liberal phenomenon.  Notice how the press routinely prints articles about Democrats trying to disrupt the Republicans' convention, but never in your wildest imagination would the Republicans act so abominably.

    Libbys like to boast about how they are the true defenders of free speech.  What a joke!  Of course the car displaying the Obama sticker would be left untouched.  Republicans are far too civil and classy to damage personal property, unlike their loutish counterparts, whose symbol is, so appropriately an @ss.

  14. Bumper stickers are tacky regardless what they say.

  15. Why deface a nice car with ANY bumper sticker?

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