
Should I put a blanket in the crib with my 5 month old. ?

by  |  earlier

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It's not cold in my house but it's not hot enough that I would want to sleep without a blanket, so is it safe to put a blanket in there with her, I don't want her to get cold. This is her first night in her crib in my room.




  1. I have had to and found no issues. It just gets too cold at night. In the spring when she out grew bundling it was too cold to not give her a blanket. I live in a city nicknamed Winterpeg (Winnipeg) for a reason! Though the days are hot it is often still cool at night in the summer and a sleeper just isn't warm enough. I just put on a small light blanket- right now a receiving blanket- to feel more comfortable with it. I know she needs it because some nights she wakes up fussing with no blanket on and as soon as I cover her she goes right back to sleep. Even with my work through Child and Family Services in shelters I never knew it wasn't the thing to do until I saw it on here. I have been covering babies with a small blanket for nine years and never had an issue - if it is a small fairly light blanket and your comfortable with it then do it.

  2. sure my son is 4 months and he always sleeps with a blanket

  3. My daughter does sleep with a blanket most nights...she likes to hold it and suck on it to go to sleep.  I just make sure it does not cover up her face and check her often.  I know most advice is to not give them anything to sleep with but she always seems fine and doesn't sleep well without the blanket.  She can roll over now and moves very well but she hardly moves at all when asleep.  I suppose it could be dangerous but I honestly think that only applies when they are very young and can't move to get away from the blanket.  

    If you are very worried, just dress her warmly...but I guess I'm not as worried.

  4. If its tucked under the matress safely and cannot cover her face it shouldnt be a problem  

  5. I think it's fine. My son slept with me after the first 6 weeks, because before then I was just too scared I'd roll over on him, and he was fine just make sure she's on her back and it's not a bulky blanket.  

  6. Yes why not? If you are worried about it going around her head or something just tuck in the sides of the blankets into the crib sides. That way she will be as snug as a bug :)

  7. yes try and tuck it under the mattress. it should be fine

  8. my son uses 2 blankets 1 to snuggle with and 1 to cover him up and he loves his blanky. if you r going to worry yourself to death then they do have these

    it covers them and you dont have to worry about them getting caught up in the blanket or going over their face

  9. my son has a blanket in his, he gets cold very easily so he's pretty much always had a blanket.

  10. I'm way too paranoid  to use blankets due to the SIDS factor.  I bought a sleep sack from, its a sleeveless sleeping bag design to protect babies while keeping them warm at night. Its the only thing I use for my 5 month old.  

  11. Babies have a much higher metabolism than we do just put her in a oneie and she should be warm enough I would not put in the blanket to easy to get it over her face.

  12. No i usually put my son in a onesie and a footed sleeper which keeps him perfectly warm.  dont risk putting a blanket in the crib.  

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