
Should I put internet restrictions on my 7 yr old?

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I want to respect her privacy, but she has been on her computer a lot lately. Is cutting back to an hour or two hours a day being overbearing?




  1. the internet is a dangerous place for a 7 year old, you need to put restrictions on chats, and moniter her emails, and make sure you know what websites shes on.

  2. I think that depends what she is using the computer for. If she is browsing unsuitable sites, then i would limit her time - and explain to her why. Although, if she is using it for education or entertainment purposes, then i would allow her to continue using it. In my opinion, an hour or two a day, is not very long. What else is there for a 7 year old to do ? If you are concerned about the sites that she is visiting, you could always install parental controls, which allow you to block certain sites.

  3. A 7 year old has no NEED to use a computer other than school work.

    If you insist on letting her use the computer 15-20 minutes a day should be sufficient enough. It's summer though, tell her to go outside and play!

  4. What does a 7 year old do on the computer for more than two hours?  They have an attention span like that?  Regardless of what she is doing, letting her sit on the computer for more than even half an hour is not only going to breed a very rampant addiction to it, its going to cause her to be inactive and unhealthy.  Do her a favor and make her go outside!!

  5. let them spend as much time as they like.  employ a p**n filter.  It's good for them to be very good with computers.  They need this.  Just be sure to keep them safe.  Once they want to see the p**n, they'll find ways to get it, until then... you don't want them accidentally stumbling across some weird she-man pleasuring a goat or something equally horrible.

  6. yea you should or like block the bad sites so he or she won;t see em. you have to let them on the pc or they may ask you bout getting on or a buch of why's. and that can be annoying. and talk to them and tell them what not and can do on the pc. so they do it in the future...

  7. You can't be serious...she is 7 and you are the one who needs to establish boundaries.  You are not being overbearing at are being a good parent.  It is good to limit her time on the computer so she can spend time doing other things like going outside and playing and getting fresh air and exercise.

  8. Chat lines are way worse off than p**n sites. The computer should be in an open room like the livingroom where you can walk up and look. 7 is really young to be on there other than for games I wouldn't let her chat or IM.

  9. I have custody of my fifteen year old sister, she has computer restriction and has had them since I got her, too much computer time isnt good kick her butt outside and tell her to go play with some of the neighborhood kids.

  10. 1 or 2 hors a day? That is WAY to much. I would say 1-2 hours a week until school starts. Then a hour on the weekends(a half hour on sat and a half hour on sun.) You need to put parent filters on it. Watch what she is doing-keep the computer in a common area. Know any passwords, and have a list of pre approved sites she can go on. Avoid chat rooms, shes to young. Only let her email people you know and approve of.

  11. Let her use it for schoolwork or games or chatting with friends, but always let her be aware that you will be close by, and that if you ask what she's doing on the internet, she has to show you. Tell her that you trust her wth it, but if she ever gives you a reason not to, then you'll restrict her time on it more. Also cutting it back to a couple hours a day sounds reasonable.

  12. Give me a break! Respect her privacy?? You really are a moron. She's 7! She should be playing, not online. Dang, I cant get over you......

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