
Should I put my almost 3 year old @ this preschool?

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The teacher does not seem very nice. She does not smile to the kids neither help them wash their hands when they ask for help after the potty, nor she cares a kid may be hungry or thirsty 2 hours after the snacktime if ha had not had the snack.

When she brings color for them to play, she just rush them up to finish it up not letting them to play @ least 5 minutes, as if she just wants to go with the schedule. childrens fun or learning does not seem so imprtant for her. I have just saw her twice. I am not still sure about her. She has a coworker in this class of 14 kids, though unkind one is the boss. I need to leave my son and go home on tuesday as she told me. my son knows afew english. He seem to like preschool. He is the youngest in this class. I have enrolled him 2 days a week, 3 hours each day. I do not know how he feels about this teacher.What do you think?




  1. this woman isnt really cut out for her job. you are trusting her to take care of and interact with your son, and from what you say that is not what she is doing. if she wants a regimented schedule tell her fo F OFF to the army! she isnt worthy of your sons time or yours. i'd change schools and then i would lodge an official complaint about the running of her pre school. hope this helps

  2. Where my kids went to preschool, they had to know how to deal with the bathroom issues themselves. Teachers were not permitted to help.  If your son likes it, let him go.

  3. Your son should not be in this preschool. Nobody's child should be in this preschool. Trust your instincts and take him out.

  4. I had a hard time learning English in kindergarten because my "teacher" was very mean!!! I tried talking to other kids but she always told us all to be quiet. I did look forward to school, unfortunately I almost stopped talking completely because the teacher was so mean. I only tried talking on the playground. It was a pretty awful experience and one I'll never forget...and I was only 5 years old!

    I don't recommend keeping your child there. But that's just me....

  5. Trust your instincts as a good parent.

  6. I feel for you as a mother myself living in a foreign country i worry about how my son will be when he starts nursery school next week. I really hope they are kind to him and the teachers are good ones as i live in a small village and that's the only school there is. I also worry about the language, If you get really worried that the teacher is being deliberately unkind to your son and you have the option to change schools then do it. Can you ask the other parents too there opinions of this teacher? Good luck!

  7. I would take him out ..your instinct is telling you that something is not quite right with the teacher..better to be safe than sorry.

  8. Try asking your son and pay attention to his cues.  If he seems happy and looks forward to it, then he's okay.  I once had a teacher that was very strict but I loved him and my mom and dad thought he was too formal and almost mean.  I craved the discipline and structure he provided at school and excelled.  I hope this helps.

  9. you're the parent, you know what's best for your son. if through observation you discovered that the teacher isn't a good one, why not transfer your son to a new school? it's really okay to have him enter pre-school since it's only 3 times a week. But i really suggest you find a teacher that is more sensitive, since at the age your son, he might need more care and attention. You can't just trust your son's welfare to anyone especially when you know from the very start that the person you're entrusting him to is not good.

  10. ever heard of a spy cam.... the only way to be sure would be to put one in your sons button hole of his shirt. you will be able to find out for sure what is going on. Maybe the woman is just rude and therefore should not be teaching children, what is she teaching them? how to be rude?

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