
Should I put my parakeet outside when the temps. are gonna be in the 90's? she will not be in direct sunlight

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Should I put my parakeet outside when the temps. are gonna be in the 90's? she will not be in direct sunlight




  1. Parrots are tropical, and do well in 90 degree weather, but they need to be acclimated to it. If you put her out when she is used to indoor air conditioning, you will probably notice that she acts uncomfortable after awhile. Watch her closely for signs of overheating, such as open-mouth breathing, and spreading out her wings. Having fresh water available is essential, but will not keep her from overheating. It is best to acclimate birds to outdoor weather gradually by putting them outside in cooler temps and working your way up to 90 degrees.

  2. If she's healthy, not in direct sunlight & she has plenty of water, I don't see why not. You can also add a nice shallow bowl w/ water as a bird bath for her to cool off in.

  3. I put my birds outside alot as soon as the weather gets nice. They need the sun its good for them and they can talk with the wild birds. I have a really big cage with wheels so i only put half of the cage in the sun. And give them lots of water. They love it outside!

  4. Did that once........ wish I'd put an umbrella or something over the top of the cage. Brrrr.........

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