
Should I put my restraining order to use?

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In late 2006 I filed a restraining order (no contact) against the mother of my ex boyfriend's child. I just recently found out I was six weeks pregnant with his child and she contacted me today via text message harrassing me about my pregnancy. I have a history of miscarriages and I feel that the stress she may put on me will cause me to miscarry again along with him denying the child. Should I notify the local authorities and let them handle her? She sent one text and then when I didn't respond she sent another.




  1. If you have a restraining order, then a copy has been served to her and she knows about it. She also knows she's violated it. You should save the message and file a complaint with the local police.

  2. do the restraining order now and change your number and move if you have to caaaaaause she lives close.

    This babys health is the most important and yours also.

    If the Dad doesn't go along with you and have his Mom stay away then you are SOL...and best get out now.  Pyshco women around fast!

  3. Why go through all the time and trouble to get a restraining order and then not have it enforced when she breaks it?

    Seems to me that if you want the order in effect, you should call.

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