
Should I put my toddler girls in seperate bedrooms?

by Guest33178  |  earlier

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We're moving this weeked to a 3 bedroom house and my girls who are almost 2 & 3 years old (13 months apart) have shared a bedroom since my youngest was born.

They are the best of friends, but I feel like I wouldn't be utilizing the 3rd bedroom in our house as well as I could be if I didn't seperate them.

My other choice is to make the 3rd bedroom a guest room...but the smart choice, space wise is to seperate them.

Do you think this will traumatize them? lol

What do you think (about seperating them in different bedrooms?)




  1. Try putting them in different rooms a night or more, see how they handle it. If they like the privacy, seperate them. But they might not stand to be alone. So basically let them choose.

  2. I agree with the first post. Ask them. I know they are young, but it's important to keep them involved, especially with a decision that mostly affects them. If they do want separate rooms, let each of them help decorate their rooms. Keep them in the loop and keep it fun. If they don't want separate rooms, maybe you could make it a play room for them. Then, it would definitely get used.

  3. ask them!

    alot may depend on the size of the bedrooms.

  4. i shared my room my whole life, dont do it.

    let them have their own rooms or just ask them but i personally think to have seperate rooms but if not use it as a play room

    help please!;...

  5. make the 3rd room into there play room i wouldnt separate them until they get older and say mum i want my own space

  6. Before we had more children our girls shared their room they didnt want to be seperated and we turned the spare bedroom into a play room just for them with a tv etc...they loved being in there and then their bedroom wasnt overran with toys for me and dad to trip over. Now were converting the garage into a play room for all the kids.

  7. no.not yet pleas.

  8. well, in my opinion, they should sleep in their own seperate rooms. because when i was little my brother and I slept in the same room when we were that young, because us too were best of friends (we were 14 months apart). but when it came time to sleep by ourselves, it was pretty hard to sleep by ourselves. i remember being terrified when it came time to sleep since i was now all by myself.

    well if you think that it would be better that they sleep in the same rooms, then go ahead. but i'm speaking from experience and I feel that it would be better to get them used to sleeping by themselves and put them in seperate rooms.

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