
Should I put out disposable cameras at my wedding?

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I've heard that instead of putting disposable cameras on each table some people put a note on each table telling guests where to upload the pictures they take with their digital cameras. Should I do this or just put out the cameras. The possitive could be that I'll be able to see the pictures before I print them. I just don't know if people will be annoyed by it or if they'll actually upload the pictures. What do you think?




  1. Just put the cameras out people will figure out what to do, and it is a great idea, a friend of mine did that for his wedding and everyone had a ball.

  2. Disposable Cameras!

    This way people don't accidental upload pictures that shouldn't be there....he he!

    Have a location where they can place them when they are done, or just instruct everybody to leave them at the tables. But if people get too drunk, cameras might get ruined, so having them place the cameras in a safe location is a better idea.

  3. disposable cameras at wedding are a must its amazing the photos you get more so if kids get there hands on them, but please vet the pictures before you show any one them!!!

  4. I doubt very few people upload their photos.  We all lead very busy lives.  The disposable cameras are easy and you always get some very interesting photos.

  5. Yes, you wouldn't want people disposing of real cameras.

    Seriously, a lot of people can't be bothered uploading pictures later on.  You're better off with the disposables.  It's human nature that most people are going to do what takes the least amount of effort.

  6. I wouldn't trust the guests to take the pictures and upload themselves.  I would have the guests take the shots, so you can get a nice variety of photos.  But I would have them leave the cameras behind at the wedding/reception.  If you leave it as their responsibility, you may be causing more problems for yourself in retrieving them.

  7. The disposable camera's were a hit with my wedding. So many pictures from so many different view and so many things I missed. Do both, but the camera's are a lot of fun.

  8. I like your idea and I think it is a good and convenient for people to later go online to see the pictures and print out a copy if they so choose; brilliant idea with the disposable. I don't think they will be annoyed.

  9. With disposable cameras though, people just leave them on the table, and then it's up to you to get them printed, etc. Which, as bad as it sounds, at least ensures that you are going to get the pictures. If you ask people to upload them, it becomes their task, and some people may just not do it. You could always put a note asking people to upload to a specific site, and that is a nice way to save the money on cameras, but I guess it depends on if you know your guests will actually do it.

  10. You should go with the disposables.  The guests then have no further responsibility other than to point and click.  I was invited to one such reception.  I got a group of young girls to remove their shoes and put their feet up on a table.  It was very s**y.  They thought I was a creepy guy until I told them it was for their wedding using one of the disposable cameras.

  11. I'm doing the disposable cameras at my wedding, because I think it will be a lot of fun for people at the reception to go nuts snapping pictures.  Not everybody thinks to bring their digital cameras to a wedding, or if they're like me, they don't even have a digital camera.  Besides, requesting that wedding guests upload the photos to a certain place for your purposes is like forcing them to work as apprentice wedding photographers, when all they wanted was to have a good time.  Stick with the disposables, or just have a handful of close friends on DigiCam duty while the other, less familiar guests (extended family, etc.) are left alone.

  12. I've always loved the idea of disposable cameras on the tables at weddings and parties - it's a blast to look at the pix after because depending on who took the pictures sometimes it's like there were 3 or 4 different parties going on - taken from different perspectives by different people with different personalities - and there's a lot of candid shots.

  13. i would just go with the disposable cameras. it'll show that you dont care what kind of pictures they take as long as you get memories of that night on camera. my aunt and uncle did this for their wedding and it was awesome. everyone of the cameras were filled with amazing pictures and ppl were telling them that it was a fun idea to do.

  14. I would go with the disposable cameras. You can always put up a note too, but people aren't going to remember where the site is unless they take the note. An email to close friends and families with the website is a good thing to do after too. And that way people who take physical pictures with a regular camera can scan and upload them too.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

  15. do both!!!  why not some who are all techy will upload the others won't!  but at least they have an option!!!

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