
Should I quit Dancing???? :(?

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I need advice. At the beginning of the year, my mum said "If you don't get all of your work done on time I'm stopping you from dancing." At this point in time I was distraught. When I got my Assignments done my mum said "They weren't done exactly a week before they were due." BOMB! There goes Dancing. I'm not allowed to do any out side or inside school activities. I have the chance to go back next year, but with all of this time of dancing, I have seemed to become less attached to it. All my friends have left because of me and if I go back there will be no one! I need Advice!




  1. i think if dancing is your passion you shouldnt stop doing it

    why stop doing something you love so much?!?

    and sometimes when you wana get back to doing something you love its pretty late!

  2. i dont know.

  3. dancing can be such a love/hate relationship.  i've had a couple of points in my life where i was like UGH i don't want to do this anymore! but the moment you have a really long drag away from it, when you get back to it, you realize how much you've missed it.  

    you're young now so to dance as much as possible is quite advisable, don't take it for granted.  i've gotten to the point in my life where, though i love dancing, my body begs to differ, i have aches and pains, but oh how i wish i could dance again.  i mean i can still dance, but it won't be as easy for me as it was since i've taken a break from it.  

    now if you stick with it all the way, you won't have to go through such a process.  a couple of my dance professors are over the age of 45, and they always advise to keep dancing.  

    now as far as school assignments are concerned, take the discipline i know you have from being a dancer and apply it to your school work.  i honestly believe that dancers do better in their school work because they have the discipline and dedication and incentive to get the work done in a timely manner.

    i know you can do it, stick with it!      

  4. It sounds like you really love dancing. A break from dancing can leave anyone less attached, but i can almost guarantee that once you get started you'll fall in love all over again! If you truly do love it, then it shouldn't matter whether all your friends are there or not. They might start back up too, you never know!

    Now there is a lesson to be learnt from this. Schooling is a TOP PRIORITY. There is absoloutely NO REASON why you can't get assignments done and great test scores. I am a dancer. I do it 4 days a week, for about 15-18 hours per week. I am also a straight a student, doing year 11 chem, physics, maths 2, maths 3, english and history. I received academic awards for maths and english. I was also athletics captain. I am also an assistant teacher at dancing. I dance competitively. If i can get all that done, so can you!

    I agree with your mother partly - school is a top priority. I just dont get why all your assignments would need to be done a week early??

  5. ask yourself one question........................

    When you see yourself as beautiful, what are you doing?

    if your dancing, then don't quit.

    if your singing, start singing.

    what you want to do is entirely up to you.

    the best thing to do is think of the future.

    good luck!



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