
Should I quit athletics?

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I have a joint problems but my friends are calling me a wussy. My knees are getting worse and I need to stop athletics. I need some advice.




  1. you should stop if it does go away try try try again

  2. Dr. Dufus says:

    Play as long as it doesn't hurt too bad.  Athletics are super fun, and can help you stay healthy and make new friends throughout your entire life.

    Have you seen a doctor about your joint problems?  I would suggest seeing a doctor, and not quiting athletics.

    Volleyball kicks @ss!

  3. Go with what the doctor says.  

    Playing through pain is one thing, but if it becomes chronic, you need to look at the problem and solve it with professional help.

    Don't quit athletics all together.  Perhaps you can find something lower impact that you enjoy if you can't solve the joint problem.

    If your friends are giving you grief, show them an X-ray.

  4. Play as long as you can stand it.  I have bad knees and was forced to give you playing sports at 25 and miss it everyday.  If you just don't feel like playing, that is fine, just don't blame your joint problem.  If you truly love the sport, then you will play through some pain.

    Good luck!

  5. well, if it's gonna hurt you then quit who cares what your friends think, if you keep playing it's gonna mess up your knees worse and you'll regret it

  6. I would first go to a doctor and see if there is some way to reverse your joint problems while still participating in athletics....but if you really have to quit sports, I would just not bother what you friends say and just worry about your health!!

  7. my friend plays a lot of sports and is also having problems with her knees. shes a junior and wants to play her senior year but if she keeps it up she'll end up having to have surgery and not playing anymore anyways. its better for you to stop and save your knees for the future. sports are not worth spending most of your life with a cane. think hard about what your doing to your body and try to make the right choice. good luck

  8. I think you should quit because your knees are more important than playing sports.  Just try to explain to your friends why you can't play.  They would understand if you tell them your problems.

  9. You go to your doctor and ask if you can stop or keep playing

  10. i have the same problem. because of my last season of volleyball i have horrible knees. i mean they even hurt if i walk on uneven ground for too long. i quit volleyball last year (school-wise) i did tennis instead. it was a lot less stress on my knees. so maybe just take up another sport that doesn't hurt to keep in shape and play volleyball just as a hobby.

  11. I don't know what to tell you b/c sports are my life.

  12. if u havent already go to the doctor, and if he says u have to quit then blame it on ur doctor

  13. Obviously, as everyone else said, you should choose health over friends (a.k.a. PEER PRESSURE). If they call you a wuss, just tell them they don't know what real pain is until it's experienced. Sorry, but I don't know what it is either!

    My dad played through the pain all the time and now has no cartilage in his knees. It was basketball, but the jumping is not much different...

    He can't walk without pain and the only reason he can walk is because he has humongously huge calves and quads... which make up for the lost bending-of-the-knees.

    So, don't take a break. See your doctor ASAP.

    If he says it's because you're out of shape or whatever, then ride a treadmill. You won't be supporting any weight, so you can't be messing it up anymore, and you will be gaining/toning muscle to help compensate.

    Also, glucosamine- chondroitin (I'm not sure if that's spelled right, sorry!) helps coat the joints to make it less painful. If you need to, wear a brace. You can find comfortable at Big 5's and Sports Authority's, or maybe whatever sport store you attend.

    Hope I helped!


  14. maybe take up golf, or bowling

  15. get a doctor. tell ur friends that your body needs help and that you need to stop

  16. who cares what they say. quit if its going to affect you in the long run. why dont you kick your friend in the knee real hard and then tell her/him to run a mile. see how they feel.

  17. Talk to a doctor.  They may be able to give you some exercises to help build up your knees again.  But if a doc says that there is nothing but surgery that will fix your issue, then I would quit.  Unless you are getting a million dollar payday, athletics aren't so important that you will have to live the rest of your life in pain. . .

    Believe me.  I know this first-hand (rotator cuff, knees, ankles, hips) the pain that follows you.  I can tell you anytime the weather changes, and I sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies when I walk up a set of stairs.  I'm not looking forward to the next 10 years of my life. . .

  18. quit for a while then see how your knees are doing. if they are well you can choose to start up again. if your friends are calling you a wussy then they arent really your friends.

  19. p

  20. well you could stiil play but just dont play to hard

  21. heres what you do try to wrap it or whatnot if tat dont work go ask your octor your not a wussyfor caring bout your life

  22. ok whats wrong with your knees. they play an importtant part in jumping to spike that ball. If they are getting worse take a break go to the doctor see if anythings wrong if nothings wrong just take a break.

  23. I think you should talk to your school trainer or a sports medicine doctor and have them determine the extent of your knee problems. If you are endangering yourself to injury then take a break but don't quit unless you are sure this is the best decision for you and your body.

  24. People stop playing for injuries every day.  All athletes have to face the injury bug and what to do all the time.  If you have to stop honestly I am sorry. I certainly would not call you a wussy.  Who knows if you take a break and find a great orthopedist you may return one day.

  25. I think you should quit because your health is more important than what your friends think!Or get a second opinion from your coach or doc.

  26. If volleyball or any sport is causibng you injury stop the sport! I am having trouble with my knees right now, but my season is over in a week and a half! So I am going to stick it out, but if your season isn't almost done I would quit!

  27. Your knees are more inportant. Leave the court and have a non-hobbled life

  28. first of all..............DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU!!! they dont matter. only what you think matters. if you think you should quit then quit. but dont quit because some of your supposed friends are callin you a wussy. they arent' goin through pain or what your goin through so they have ABSOLUTELY NO SAY in what you do. do what YOU think is best for YOU. and DONT CARE about what OTHER people think...

    good luck !!!!

  29. Get off the weed instead.

  30. you're soar because you have given your all for a love through the sport.  i have so many problems from playing basketball, but to give it up would honestly defeat me.  i cut back some.  I quit running full engine.  You know take off the edge some.  You're not a wuss, your body is giving in.  Are you willing to try cortizone shots?  Oh, the relief.  MOST every pro team uses them-they are not wusses.  love your sport just help it by helping yourself.

  31. take up less strenuous athletics

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