
Should I quit eating meat?

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I can find lots of reasons to quit eating meat but only one reason to keep eating it.

That one reason is taste.

Meat tastes really good.

In fact, I think I'm addicted to the taste.




  1. I don't so much think you can get 'addicted' to a taste, but rather you just enjoy it.

    You probably wouldn't make a very successful vegetarian thinking about a nice juicy steak while at the same time be disgusted by where it came from - and want to eat it anyways!

    I don't have anything against being vegetarian - I'm not one but know that a persons diet and belief system regarding meat can co-exist and they can be perfectly happy without eating meat.

    Not me - that big a** prime rib I cook every Christmas is something I will NEVER give up!

  2. listen listen carefully. i know vegetables are good for you but meat has something that vegetables dont and that is protein protein is important for the human body if you want to stay physically fit. and it helps protect your body. where as vegetables just make you somewhat stronger but if you didnt have the fat required then you body can get sick. fat is the stuff in your body that is produced when you eat meat.

  3. NOOOOOOO, J dont do it, you can't beat meat

  4. Where would you get your protien


  6. I am glad to know you like meat too. So do I. I think we can eat meat when we can and when we want. The taste is so fabulous.

    But there may be another problem that we don't have a healthy eating. So at last, I find a best way to tackle that problem. We can eat meat as uaual, the next-step thing is important, that we can drink tea after eating meat. We can drink Ooling tea, green tea. They can help you digest the meat and prevent our body to assimilate the not-healthy-ingredient. I know there are some this kind of tea origin in China. Here is the website:

    Hope you can find your favourite.

    I am drinking Laudatory Seven units Pu-erh cake - Qiaomu in Yiwu mountain. It is at

  7. I'm probably not going to be gaining any friends with this answer. But if you like it that much you should not deny yourself of it. With any other kind of diet, it is always said to indulge a little bit here and there-or have a 'cheat' day otherwise you are just going to breakdown and binge. Don't just try to quit cold turkey-no pun intended-you need to ween off. If you choose to.  athogh i don't reccomend it. It's good. It's d**n good.

  8. I think most people are addicted to the taste, but I have actually found (I'm being honest here) that most people miss it less than they think they are going to when they become vegetarian. When I first stopped eating meat, I felt really hungary and like I really missed it for about two weeks, but after a month I didn't miss it at all, and I still don't (It has been 2 years). A lot of other people I know who became vegetarian have had the same experience.

    And you're right, there are many, many good reasons to become vegetarian, and I really really hope you do :)

  9. First of all, if the reason you want to quit eating meat is because of a health issue, then i would quit asap....but if you really like the taste, then you could keep eating it. :)

  10. These answers are ridiculously selfish. The reason we vegetarians have stopped eating meat is because YOU KILL A LIVING CREATURE WHEN YOU DO IT. I didn't eat meat for the first 20 years of my life because I didn't like the taste. As a matter of fact, it is delicious. I simply don't feel that endulging my taste buds is worth having to kill animals. It's as simple as that.

  11. Homo sapien (man/woman) is genetically programmed to eat meat.  It contains amino acids and iron that are essential for good health.  We have the teeth of carnivores and this should be your first clue.  Being vegan is acceptable ONLY if you are very knowledgeable about getting adequate protein into to your diet.  This is not that easy. Many nutritionists will tell you that to be healthy in every way and to be a vegan is very rare.Vegans tend to really get hooked on carbs and therefore love sugary foods. (A very bad thing.)  Mind you, there is nothing more gratifying than delicious vegetarian food.  I was a vegan for about 20 years until my blood work indicated I needed to get more real protein. Since I went back to eating small portions of animal protein I am much healthier and can control my weight much easier.  If you love the taste of a good steak that is perfectly normal.  Your body is telling you, you were meant to eat meat!

  12. You're not actually addicted to the taste of meat - you're addicted to the seasonings on the meat.  Try making meals using the seasonings....but skipping the meat.

  13. You don't need to quit eating meat. The health related reasons can be dealt with by just reducing your meat intake. The only reason to completely give up meat is if you have a moral objection to it. And that is a personal decision.

    So enjoy your steak, just don't eat a five pound steak, and make sure you still eat your veggies and stuff.

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