
Should I quit football ?

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OK im about to go into my sophmore year playing football.

I played as freshman on the Freshman football team and I played receiver.

I did not start, i was a 2nd string receiver. I did start a few games do to the starter not being able to play.

But this year Im a 3rd string receiver on JV. My coach (who is the head coach, Athletic Director, receivers coach) doesnt really like me that much. He b*****s at me for ever thing i do wrong. Its almost funny. He will be like "hey go get me that ball over there (its across the entire field) on the hop, on the hop".

He critisizes every little thing i do. IF the quarterback throws me a terrible pass and i dive and dont catch it hes like "come on catch the ball". He critisizes my routes saying i dont run them very good. Pretty much if something is not perfect, he has to say something.

We have had 20 practices (2 adays are over now that school is about to start) and he has given me 2 compliments/non-negative things.

And they are "good spot". "that a-boi, good catch". thats all he has said that hasnt been negative in 20 practices.

Our practices including meeetings last almost 4 hours. so instead of getting my *** bitched out i could be chilling at home.

I have a feeling i wont play much this year, if any at all. And it doesnt help that basically the head coach/AD/Receiver coach doesnt really like me.

I like playing and i want to keep playing. But I have to wonder if its worth it?

Do yall think its worth all this **** to stand on the sidelines.





  1. never give up what you love! I love football but I am too old to play it now. You make me jealous.  

  2. Do well and then GLOAT IN HIS FACE!!!!!

  3. You will learn sooner or later to turn the other cheek when the coach chews you out like that, it's just another part of football. Usually it's better when you're criticized compared to him never commenting on you ever. It means that he sees potential in you and wants you to be as good as you can, if he knows you suck then he won't waste his time on you. Unless he is a bad and immature coach who has favorites and what not, then you should stay just for the love of the game. Good luck this season!

  4. listen to the coach you ovisly not listening and he is getting mad at you also you are  so negtaive

  5. im a sophmore to now and im not playing so i can work  and get volunteering out of the way  

  6. I guess my question to you is:  How much do you love football and especially how much do you love playing football?

    I don't think anyone should play a sport they aren't dedicated in their heart to.  Its not fair to the other players on the team who are they to play and its not right for you to be playing if you don't want to be there!

  7. just tough it out and don;t be a p***y, I've always learned that coaches only coach up players with potential.  The p***y way out would be a) to quit football and play video games and eat doritos or b) transfer to another school (which wouldnt be a big difference cause you still wouldnt get playing time.  Just stick it out for the season, and make your mind up before tryouts next year.  If you quit you;ll always be labeled a quitter  

  8. Oh dude I feel for you I have almost the same thing going on with me. For me though the head coach keeps trying to find other receivers to take my spot, luckilly they always mess up.  He actually told the varsity coach to not give me a varsity jersey. My advice to you is to get through this year and next year will be your junior year where you can show the varsity coaches your true skill.

  9. Well, if your not playing and putting your effort on the team..than what's the point of just being there standing like a pole?

    Is a huge down if the coach dislikes you, because he is going to be a pain in the face. Making you practice like a..... and not giving you credit when games comes and just ignore you. You should try other sports that differs from that routine, and show that they REALLY want you on the team.

  10. If it were me I would go to my coach alone and have a talk.  Ask him is it worth your time.  Tell him your concerns.  He may be pushing you cause he knows you have the ability but arent using it.  Then too you wont know till you have a talk with him.  

  11. i would stay but u need to do what u think is best

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