
Should I quit my job to go back to college ful time at the age of 32?

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Should I quit my job to go back to college ful time at the age of 32? I want to go back to college to get my bachelors degree in either Accounting or finance. Would it be worth it to me to quit my job to go back to college? Would and employer look down on the fact that I quit my job to go back to college?




  1. Goahead has valid points. Do you have any other means of income, and do you have to support anyone but yourself?

    Also look into online colleges. Penn State University and others offer degrees that are accredited the same as an on-campus agree would be. It would be kinda tough to do, but it would still allow you to work as well as go back to school.

    Good luck!

  2. Do you have other means to support yourself while studying? Do you have any dependants?

    Study your status very carefully and decide the best that you can do with the least damages to you and to those around you.

    I am 43 years old, had my bachelor degree at teh age of 21 and I just got my Master degree this month.

    I had to change my full time contract to a part time one with a considerable drop in salary. I had to accept other assignment while I was studying (and working part time) because my salary became too meagre to have ends meet (I have 4 kids and I pay half the expenses of the house and kids).

    Things went like that for 2 years, but I did it... I can't tell you how proud I am with my long awaited MA degree.

  3. Nobody would look down on you for that.  Whether it is worth it or not depends on what you are doing now.  Accounting and finance are generally in strong demand, and the jobs pay well.

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