
Should I quit my retail job?

by  |  earlier

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A store hired me and a temporary (13 weeks) and it's like they don't acknowledge me at all. I work maybe two days a week and they haven't even trained me when they said they're going to train everyone. Keep in mind college is starting in a week. Quit?




  1. As I former temp I agree that we get no respect. If you need the extra cash and you don't hate the job, sure, stick around. It's only 13 weeks. If you do hate it, quit.

  2. Yes.  Use the start of school as a good reason for your separation from the company.  

    If you need to work while in school, you might want to look for on-campus work or something more related to your career field.

  3. Sure, why not?  Since you will be starting college in a week, you have the perfect reason and it wouldn't affect your resume at all.  Now if you still had a month or so to go, that would be a different story.  I say since you seem to not be happy (with good reason, I might add), then just tell them that you need to get ready for college and give your notice.  You should then hopefully leave on a good note.

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