I'm a junior at a large university with a huge Greek scene. I rushed as a freshman and joined a house that prided itself on its sisterhood and being down-to-earth. However, for this year’s recruitment, in an effort to attract "the best girls", we’ve been individually critiqued on our appearance to the point of ridiculousness and pushed to be as clone-like as possible. Rush is only once a year, but it shows that my chapter's real priorites run counter to what made me join in the first place. I don’t want to support an organization whose primary object is to recruit hot freshmen without regard for the active members who are alienated in the process.
Still, despite my issues with the organization itself, I have many good friends in the house. If I deactivated, it would be much less convenient to see them, and my relationships with them would inevitably suffer. But are these friendships worth $4000 a year and having to put up with all the superficiality and hypocrisy?
I’d really appreciate any advice. I’m feeling really torn.