
Should I quit playing guitar?

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I have never taken any guitar lessons. I have made it to an intermediate level on guitar as I know 15 songs, 10 chords and 5 scales. Now as I progress, the material that I attempt to play seems to be to hard to learn.




  1. I wouldn't quit, I'd look for someone to give me a few lessons and keep on playing!

    If you don't enjoy it, then that's another matter entirely.

  2. Are you serious?

    You should only play the guitar, because you enjoy playing the guitar. If you really love what you're doing, no.. you should not quit. Everything takes time, as does the guitar (lots of it)

    If you're not willing to put forth A LOT of practice, and time..and are only worried about what you can't play. Then, you don't need to play the guitar.

    Guitar isn't about how much you know, it's about how much you LOVE what you're making. Don't let the hardships faulter your playing.

    Live it. Love it. Breathe it.

    Guitar, is completely, gratifying within the soul =]

    cherish it.

  3. You need lessons to help you over the plateau you find yourself on.  You need lots more than 10 chords and 15 songs and a teacher will help you with all of that and more.

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