
Should I quit track and run on my own time??

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Im a 15 year old female and I decided this summer to join track for the first time in my life. So I'm really out of shape to begin with. Well anyways I've been to track practice for about 3 weeks now and every practice kills me! I'm usually really sore for about 3 days after each practice. Because of that I usually go to practice about 2 times a week (it's offered 4 times a week) I like to run and I wanted to join track to get into better shape not exactly for the compettition. So I was thinking about quitting track and running on my own time that way I will be able to workout/run much more often because I won't be as sore anymore. What should I do???!!!! Thanks




  1. Yup.

  2. I remember when i first started running track it killed me, but if its something you enjoy don't quit. there are ways around the soreness. first you need to increase your water intake. also increasing your protein intake will help as well. now I'm not a big fan of supplements but phosphagen and creatine will also make it so your not sore after you work out.

  3. Take a couple of advil and run through the sore. That's the best way to get through the soreness that results when we first start working out. If you stick with it and keep going to practices and doing your best, the sore will go away and your results will be much better than if you ran on your own without the same intensity.

  4. no pain no game

  5. I would stay in because the team motivation helps you work out.  When I got out of high school i gained wait becasue i couldnt motivate myself enough to run on my own on a regular basis

  6. Stick with the team. The reason you are always sore is that you keep skipping practices. Soreness means your muscles are improving. (Well it actually means you have broken them down somewhat and they are repairing themselves and becomeing stronger.)

    Hard as it is to understand, running through soreness will eventually lead to not being so sore anymore. Often times a good workout will make you feel better just by loosening up tight muscles.

    So you should stick with the team, and go to every practice, no excuses!

    If I were your coach I would have kicked you off the team if you skipped half the practices because you were sore.

  7. I would stick with track because eventually you will notice a change and your body won't take it as hard.  If you'd like to run a little on the side just to speed up the getting in shape process, that could help.

  8. stick with it! its hard for everyone at first but it will easier and then more fun. streach really good!

  9. It's nice to have the structured workouts that a track team offers. It is much harder to get motivated on your own.

  10. no way should you quit track. when i started in ninth grade i couldn' t run at all. i ran long distance and hated every day but when i got sore i knew that my body was changing and becoming stronger. now, i still run long distance and am still sore after every workout but am one of the fastest runners. you will always be sore. now i'm in such good shape i could run forever. track ended last week and i thought i would have time to run more but actually i haven't found the time! keep with track because it will busy you and will make sure you get running in every day.

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