
Should I quit where I volunteer? HELP!

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My friend convinced me to volunteer somewhere. It is at LMC-TV. His parents drive us and they drop me home for me. The problem is that my friend makes jokes and comments about me in front of everybody and it makes me feel that I am not doing a good job. He said, "Oh. He can't take a joke. I can though." He means that about me. When we clean up the set, he always says, "Oh. You don't have to help me. I got this." Then when he does that I have a feeling that they feel I am not doing a good job. I feel that I am more dedicated then he is. I think so because I believe that I do want to volunteer more than he does. When they make jokes before we start shooting the show, he laughs more than I do. I don't even laugh at all the jokes and he does laugh at all of the jokes. I feel bad of myself when he does those things. I been thinking about quitting even though it is a fun job working with the camera and the other people there are pretty nice. It can be a lot of work ,but I still enjoy what I do. Opinions? Comments? Should I quit where I volunteer? Thank you.




  1. NO. don't quit.

    If you really like it,

    He just wants all of the attention.

    Just bc you're not as "outgoing" as him doesn't mean you should feel bad for it.

    try talkin to him about it...

    and If you don't want to do that.

    Then try just going along with it...

    When he says somthin that offends you, just laugh it off..

    pretend like its funny...

    bc if you don't..

    then he's just gonna keep doin it....


    I hope you have a fabulous time working.

    Hope this helped!

  2. When someone is belittling you it makes life worse.  A lot worse.  And when someone says mean things and follows it with "You don't know how to take a joke" it is time to quit the job.  

    You teach people how to treat you. /

  3. This is really tough, especially since you like what you’re doing – you just don’t like how your pal behaves.

    OK you could just pick up and go – but you’d miss the work, which you enjoy. BUT your pal is really being a Toad-boy.

    You could escalate all of this in a t*t-for-tat situation; however, I think you would be better off showing the folks at the station that you’re the mature one of the pair. Yes, it hurts to be constantly needled and barraged – but don’t think your pal’s behavior is going unnoticed – and when time comes for recognition, your work will stand on its own.

    How about distancing yourself from Toad-boy as much as possible – let him do his thing – and you do yours. Work together well because later in life, you’ll find you have to work with people you don’t especially care for and still produce good work.

    Ask the Station Manager if he’d take you under his wing and really teach you about broadcasting and production from the ground up. Then put your very best effort into this and let Toad-boy be the four-flusher he really is.

    But don’t let Toad-boy get to you. Hah! Easier said than done. But seriously. Don’t let him get to you. He’s an immature snot – and the adults at the station know this. Eventually he’ll tire of needling you – but in the meantime, you’ll have become a first-rate producer.

  4. If you enjoy it, stay.  I think he's doing that to you because he feels inferior to you in some way and wants you to not have confidence.  That's not a true friend.. Is there any way that you could get another ride and distance yourself just a little?  

  5. If you are volunteering to work, there's no reason that you and everyone around you shouldn't be happy.  It sounds like a profitable business is making money with just a little free help.  Do what you love.  However, in the event that you decide to leave, try something in social services where you will see people who really enjoy and appreciate you.  For example, a senior center or a mental health recreational facility.  You will see smiles each time you walk through the door.

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