My friend convinced me to volunteer somewhere. It is at LMC-TV. His parents drive us and they drop me home for me. The problem is that my friend makes jokes and comments about me in front of everybody and it makes me feel that I am not doing a good job. He said, "Oh. He can't take a joke. I can though." He means that about me. When we clean up the set, he always says, "Oh. You don't have to help me. I got this." Then when he does that I have a feeling that they feel I am not doing a good job. I feel that I am more dedicated then he is. I think so because I believe that I do want to volunteer more than he does. When they make jokes before we start shooting the show, he laughs more than I do. I don't even laugh at all the jokes and he does laugh at all of the jokes. I feel bad of myself when he does those things. I been thinking about quitting even though it is a fun job working with the camera and the other people there are pretty nice. It can be a lot of work ,but I still enjoy what I do. Opinions? Comments? Should I quit where I volunteer? Thank you.