
Should I re-dye now or wait?

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In January of this year I dyed my hair semi-permanent Blue-black and I had been for a while. I hadn't dyed it for about 5 months until yesterday when I tried to dye it dark brown. My roots are now brown and the rest of my hair is really dark (same brand and it's still semi-permanent) I went back to the store and I bought the Blue-black that I had been using but I don't know when I should dye it. Should I re-do it right away or wait a week or so. Or could I put a little peroxide through it to bring back the porosity? What would be best? I think I look really stupid.




  1. First of all, you can not use lighter dye over black hair that was colored, even if it's semi permanent. Semi-permanent hair dye lasts longer than 5 months, and dying over it with a lighter color isn't going to work completely until all of the black dye is out of the hair. What I would do is wait it out, soon the blue-black dye will begin to fade throughout the hair and the dark brown will begin to show. The color will still be yucky, being that you have two different colors of hair now, but that can be taken care of by just dying over the hair.  

  2. hey i just saw that you didn't get the right answer. because now none of your hair is "virgin" or "uncolored" hair, the best option is to dark it darker, which i see you want to do. you can dye it now, you will be fine. you just wouldn't be able to lighten it, but darker is fine. i wish you the best of luck :)

  3. dude, the same thing happened to my sister, theres a thing called 'hair opps' i think, and you can get it at cvs....use that, it'll bring your hair back to its natural color, since black is really hard to take out. hope this helped!!

  4. Thats a shame. Obviously it really caught when you did it the first time if it still hadn't faded. You really need to get a 'colour remover'. This would be best done at a hairdressers as I had a friend use a home one - it didn't work and she smelled of a f**t bomb for days - even after she went to a HD to fix it. Bleach will damage it too much and be uneven if you get it on your roots!!

    I would go to the hairdresser for sure. But if you really cant afford it your only option is to keep going blue black. You dont need to do the rest of your hair - just the roots, and then add a little water and massage through the ends the last 5 mins of development time just to even out.

    Its a shame though. From now on you should retouch your roots every 6 weeks and just do as above - do the ends only for the last 5 mins or else the colour will build up too strongly in the ends and be impossible to remove. It will also look uneven as the colour fades if you dont do this.

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