
Should I react this way?

by  |  earlier

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I sit here and remember you

The things we did

The things yet to do

And I weep

So many things left unsaid

Now come pouring out

But now you’re dead

And I’m still here

I didn’t see

I wasn’t there

But these images won’t leave me

Won’t let me be

The bright lights

The sudden impact

You flying away

Into the night

That’s not all

No not even close

I see your now cold face

Surrounded by flowers

The worst is still to come

But I refuse to see

It fights to show what you’ve become

But if I see I will break

So many little things

Remind me of you

I feel as if I am going crazy

Insane without you here

Your name, your face

Keeps me company

Yet haunts my every thought

And I can’t breath




  1. I understand, I know. Don't plague yourself with guilt that isn't yours to feel. You made decisions that you can't go back on, so did he, so did I. You simply have to realize that you DID NOT MAKE A MISTAKE! Time, fate, and chance happen to everyone, they always have, they always will. You are not a bad person; you didn't do bad things, you do not DESERVE to be haunted. So don't be. Just live life now with different thoughts, let this change you, not control you.

    I love you, and he did too. I know it, and you do as well.

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