
Should I read "Twilight"?

by Guest44591  |  earlier

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all of my friends say twilight is a really good book, but the ting is that i dont like fantasy, and im not sure i like romance, ive never read a romance novel. even my twin has read all 4 books and she is trying to convince me to read it.

plz help




  1. yes. the only way you'll ever know whether you like it or not is to just read it. I didn't like ronmances either, but after the first book, I was hooked.


  2. It's really only your choice! If you want to read it Go For It, If you don't want to Does It Really Matter! lol Be an individual!!!

  3. Well, I think most people here will start screaming "YES READ IT NOW IT IS SO GOOD!!! *Little hearts all over the place*" but I didn't like it very much. It was just kind of cliche and made me roll my eyes a lot.

    But this is just an opinion! Really the best way to tell is if you like romance, but since you've never read one it's hard to tell! Maybe just go for it and abandon it if you don't like it? (Haha, some advice)

  4. IF you're in the mood for a drippy love story that has emotions you don't feel, such as love for a guy who disables your car, then yes, it's perfect for you. If you are dazzled by a gorgeous guy who is still borderline abusive, never thinks about safe s*x, bruises you while having s*x, and slams you into headboards, then, go out and buy the series. If you are sympathetic towards writers who are smoking pot and make their fans cry and destroy everything they've written in the previous 3, then yes, this is a great book. If you are a pedophile or a pedo-sympathizer, and you like grown men selecting newborns or 2 year olds as their mates, then, this is the greatest book in the universe. "Oh, he doesn't think of her that way," says Stephenie Meyer, yeah right. One minute he's the nice big brother, the next minute he's hauling her off to a room so you can't hear the screams.

    Yep, this book is an absolute dreamy paradise.


  5. The books are poorly written and the characters are dull, but you might as well read the series just to get your friends and sister off your back.

  6. No.

    The characters are poor, Mary-Sue perfects, Meyer has poor grammer and her vampires "sparkle" and "are vegitarians"

    don't waste your time, please.

    read something worth your while.

  7. Someone asked a similar question so I'll just copy and paste my response to them :P

    I like the series; it's one of those sappy romances that you get so caught up in, you end up yelling at the characters for being stupid and stuff. It's like a guilty pleasure: you know you (the intelligent woman/man in a modern day, equal rights society) should despise this book for it's foil characters and its-weak female needs male in order to live happily-storyline but you can't help but read it. It's a trip back to those Disney stories we loved as children-where prince charming defeats all the bad guys and sweeps the girl off her feet into the sunset. I think that's why so many girls go nutters of Edward-he's that white knight.

    It's a modern day fantasy fairy tale. Something that you can sigh over with a stupid look on your face in the privacy of your bedroom and daydream about.

    Why choose it over better books? It's an escapist's book-the people who read it are usually ones who want to get away from the real world a lot of the time, and indulge in something more interesting (make believe) It's like taking a trip into a fantasy land, lol. The story is also written in a way that's really...sincere I guess is the word. You get the feeling the author really wants to just tell a good, sweet romance story.

    I'd recommend it if you're a chick/dude that likes to daydream and a romantic.

    How do you know if you're a romantic? Do you like happy endings? Do you like stories where love is a central theme?

    How do you know if you should read twilight? Yeah I know there's an answer up there but I wanna say more.

    Do you like/can you tolerate first person? Can you lower your expectations of the book? Cause it ain't all that great, it's just good. I wouldn't call it very fantastic-sure there's vampires and werewolves and they have supernatural powers and all but-eh, it's not that bad. I'm not into fantasy either-least not all that spaceship alien shooting lasers out your cro-um, hands type stuff. I say give Twilight a shot, if you like it you'll speed through it. If not, then, what's one hour of your life?

    Warning, do not elevate the book in your mind!! It's an OKAY book, not a literary masterpiece. It's like a very good fanfiction to be honest.


    I have to address a few more things. *SPOILER ALERT -AND AGE ALERT, DO NOT READ ON IF YOU ARE BELOW 17-cause there are references to the naughty, and what the best part of the naughty is termed*

    The final book mentions s*x. But it's not a freaking erotica novel for Christ's sake. There's no description of the actual act of love making at all. To the person who mentioned the headboards thing: what the h**l, Bella practically threw herself at Edward for that whole s*x thing. AND WHY THE HECK WOULD HE THINK TO USE A CONDOM? HE KNEW BELLA COULD GET PREGO FROM HIM JUST ABOUT AS WELL AS EVERYONE ELSE DID-which is to say NOT AT ALL

    Don't even start on the imprinting thing! Stephanie made it QUITE CLEAR that the imprinting is a special bond that transcends mere words. In the world of twilight therefor, a werewolf can imprint on a young child and make the transition from big brother/best friend figure into love interest. No one said the transition would be badda bing badda bam! You're 16 lets get our freak on! It'll be a slow love, most probably. Jacob would let Renesmee set the pace, he be putty in her little half-ling hand.  Stop tainting it with all your real world assumptions. It's a friggin fiction book for God's sake! No one ever said it was logical. If you want logic go read Meditations or some c**p.

    Ticks me off when people say stuff like that: "There's no way such and such would happen" IT'S FICTION! FICTION IS ALL ABOUT STUFF THAT CAN'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE!

    I don't recall Edward every slamming bella into the headboard. He just tore it up, because he's got superhuman strength and was probably in the middle of o****m. That's like you trying to be perfectly limp in the middle of one. Can you do that? If you can then the s*x ain't good.

    And furthermore, just because you didn't like how the book turned out doesn't give you the right to nitpick at it and point out things that you OBVIOUSLY didn't have a problem with earlier (I'm gonna make an assumption because you said "writers who are smoking pot and make their fans cry and destroy everything they've written in the previous 3" so I'm gonna say you read and enjoyed the first 3.) Need I mention that the imprinting issue came up in New Moon? Why the h**l are you reading this far ahead if what should've squicked you out occurred in book 2?

    I don't particularly liked events in the final book myself, but I enjoyed it nonetheless because it was something I never would've thought of and, despite myself, I do happen to like when the good guys have their happy ending.

    This all can be summed up in a neat sentence. If you don't like the twilight series, don't click on questions about them, don't go and harass people who do like them, and don't read them. Look at that! I've solved the argument between fans and non-fans worldwide.

    And with that, I have said my piece. I'm sorry for ranting on here. But I had to put it somewhere. :)

  8. I thought it was bad, the grammar was very iffy at a lot of spots. The people were... not 'real' enough, and it has a bad example in it. (in New Moon mainly, I think.)

    But go for it if you want to...

  9. OMG you really need to read those books they are so so so so so.....etc. great. I absolutely loved them, it has everything a girl loves romance, suspence, drama and action.

    YOU NEED TO GIVE IT A TRY, you will b hooked

  10. What the second guy said.

  11. you should

  12. First time I heard of twilight I also have doubts that I won't like it etc. etc. but all of them were like, "Go buy it it's soooo worth it!" So I gave it a shot, and then after reading like 3 or 4 chapters, I totally got hooked! so I bought all of them, and now I finished the fourth one! It's so great!! I promise you! But if you really don't want to read it, it's your decision, why don't you just give it a shot, maybe read 2 or 3 chapters, then if you really don't wanna read it then don't. Your not gonna loose anything if you try...=)

  13. You might as well give it a try.  Then if you don't like it, at least you can tell them that to make them leave you alone (though they may start yelling indignantly...).

    I've read all four books, so I can tell you the writing is low quality, the characters are flat, the plot is really hard to find, and the vampires sparkle (literally).  

    There is something I love about Twilight though, and his name is Jacob Black. ^^  He doesn't really do much until the second book, but he definitely improves the series. ^^

    Almost forgot: the first four or five chapters are boring as... watching paint dry in a room with no light.  You can't really make any sort of decision until after you've found the stupid light switch; and by you I mean Stephenie Meyer, and by light switch I mean the plot. -_-;

    And he's not a pedophile.  Otherwise he wouldn't have lived five minutes. (comment intentionally vague to avoid spoilers >.>; )

  14. It's far from fantasy, even though it's about vampires.

    Such a GREAT book.


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