
Should I really Marry Him?

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He's an Agnostic and has told me flat out he is, he talks about religion like its a joke, I wear a purity ring or promise ring, I grew up a strict Christian/Protestant, I get offended easily when he makes jokes about religion, and he doesn't just do it away from me so it won't bother me, he literally does it in front of me, and it breaks my heart and bothers me. But yet this man wants me to marry him, Part of me says I need to put my foot down and say no but another part of me loves him and wants to stay, but I have even read that agnostics kind of believe things just like an athiest does, and I know if he feels that way it will never work.

What do I do.




  1. if youre having doubts i would definitely not get married, or at least hold off until you can come to terms, at least get to the point where you fully respect eachother's disagreements.  think about it: youre going to be spending the rest of your life with this person, your core ideals on the basics of life should be common ground in the relationship, if your foundation is rocky, then you can only suppose that what is built on top of that will inevitably crumble  

  2. If you have to come here to ask,

  3. girl, no one is perfect

    although if it is important to you

    then you should be able to tell him

    religeon is also a big part of me

    although i dont go to church much it is still important.

    tell him you dont like that, and if he is nnot willing to change for you

    you arent going to marry him.

    if he really does love you he will understand.

    i hope this helped.

  4. Purity ring, lady? C'mon love isn't guided by religion or God it's guided by what is inside of you. He has every right to believe what he wants and you have every right to believe what you want. You are the one being ridiculous. Why were you brainwashed so badly to be wearing a purity ring. You wasted your whole childhood by only following your parents. Well follow your heart.

    Why are you marrying so young without seeing other people and experimenting first? Really you haven't even had s*x yet, that is a little childish of you. Really what Christians these days really wait till marriage? That is a load of c**p.  

    But first you should test out the car, before you get married. If you find out your not sexually compatible then your doomed for divorce.  

    Why are you letting religion determine wether or not if he would make a good husband? More things should matter like money and security, trust and loyalty. You are being rather selfish to put your own religious needs before anything else.

  5. well, I feel after the so called end of the romance period (max. of 3 years) these kind of issues play prominent role  in marriage. If your thinking and beleifs doesn't match that marriage doesn't last long and such kind of issues become the root cause of break up. So be careful.

  6. One thing I want to make it clear to you dear girl.

    Why do you fight in the name of religion, castes, creeds, Gods and Goddesses. Those things are not for real. Nothing is real. All of us leaving this world one day. Try to live happily during this short stay on this planet leaving all such unwanted and man made things. Why can't you put aside all those things and start living normally, naturally, really as human beings. If you cannot relish his jokes, tell him in strict words to stop talking about any religion for that matter. Then whether he belongs to other religion. For once, you speak about his religion as a joke and see whether he swallows your comments. Then tell him action and reaction are equal and opposite. There are numerous things to know under the sun. Tell him not to be so stupid in his conversation. You just tell him the real philosophy of this world - unwanted birth - unavoidable death. In between the life is too short and make it sweet by lovable attitude. Every day is a new day. Try to live a day at a time and tomorrow is another today. If you make this 24 hours so irksome, how do you live for 365 days. Every second is valuable in this life.

    Please bring him round and start living as happily as possible.

    or just ignore him and put him aside, if you cannot take him as he is.

    You have to teach him so many things, as men act as if they are children with their life partners. They have to act as their second mothers. This is a fact.  

  7. Sounds like ur faith means a lot to you..  pray that if its not of God that the relationship will end! I have had to let guys go for the same reason (i was crushed but loooking back n seeing some of them now i'm sooooo thankful! God knows waaay more then us!)

    I would highly advice, let him go! Pray for him oh course!! get ur family n other believer to pray for his salvation but u would have a nightmare marriage! God's Word says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"  2 Corth. 6:14

    God bless u girl! email me if u want talk! xx

  8. Its very important that ur a believer and the worst mistake you can make is to get married to non believer. Whatever you do, put God first, and dont listen to those telling you that God has nothing to do with it, on the contrary He has everything to do with it. He doesnt respect your believes so you think he'll respect anything else of yours? Dont rush into anything, pray to God and he'll give you a husband who will respect you and what you believe.

  9. asking this is an answer itself is it not?

  10. talk , honestly you sound like your already headed for trouble. As a Christian you should know the word of God says not to be unequally yoked. Talk to your pastor..

    But, dont throw away your relationship with God for any man....

  11. To thine own self be true...if you are still a Christian,then what do you think ? Is this someone that you are equally yoked with ? These are other reasons that people should not get married. If you don't believe the same then how are you really going to get along ? Are you going to pretend and follow his beliefs or are you going to be swayed from what YOU BELIEVE to be right ? Saying you love someone means a lot more than you about love in the Bible if you need a description according to your beliefs. What about if you have children with this man...what will happen then ? Believe me when I say that if you are not equally yoked with someone...after a while when all of the other things wear off, it won't be such a happy life. I know because I made the same mistake and married someone because I thought love and passion meant happily ever after...I was wrong. Don't ever sell yourself short, don't ever turn your back on what you believe in, and don't think you can ever change someone. I think that if you are still a Christian you should pray about it and ask God to reveal to you the answers. Marriage is not something to be taken lightly and should be thought of as a lifetime if you want to spend the rest of your life feeling this way ??? Search your heart...and pray. Good luck and I also will be praying for you.

  12. If you aren't on the same page spiritually, or mature enough to "agree to disagree", then the marriage won't work.  It will cause friction.  It already is - you're hurt and upset because he makes fun of religious beliefs.  Make wise decisions for yourself in life.

  13. Agnostic: Does not believe in a god, but leaves the door open to be convinced

    Atheist: Rejects religion and deity does not believe, end of story.

    What you need to do is put you foot down and tell him you will not belittle his disbelieve as long as he respects your religion. Not to respect your religion is akin to not respecting you. If he cannot do that there cannot be a marriage.

    As an atheist I have been in a a relationship with christians. My best friend is a staunch catholic. We respected each others believe and had great discussions about it.

    The reasons why I broke up with the christian had nothing to do with his religion. It is all about respect.

  14. This is not about a difference of opinion between you and your boyfriend, not even about a difference of religious beliefs.  This is about an extremely self-centered, borderline abusive guy who has fun disrespecting you and what you were brought up to believe in.  The fact that what he says bothers you and he still sees no reason to tone down the anti-religion humour tells me all I ever need to know about him.  If he loved you, he would respect your beliefs and opinions, as you of course would his.  Run, don't walk, away from this "relationship".

  15. well first of all if ur yung like16-20 sum were around it den o

    enjoy ur life

    nd if he loves you why wuld he do it on purpose?

    i mean *** on nd all does kind of ppl no ofense to any1 but most of dem ppl are total a******s so i htink you

    should wait longer until ur

    COMPLETY RIGHT  imean getting marriend is alot of responsibilities

    so think about it alot

  16. If you have to ask this question than no, you probably shouldnt be marrying him.

    But please try to understand what hes saying about the crazyness of christianity and unbrainwash yourself!

  17. why dont you talk to him. tell him how you feel when he makes jokes about religion. tell him it offends you and you get hurt by it. if he loves you he will stop it. if he doesnt stop then dont marry him.

  18. No need to rush into things.

    You will not be able to change his mind about his faith or lack thereof, and he should know that he is hurting you. If he's man enough to be with you, he would have the sense to open his eyes about what he chooses to communicate with you.

    If you aren't sure where his beliefs are exactly, talk about it. This is totally neccesary before marriage! Don't rely on what someone else says about agnosticism, question him directly! It can be really fun to talk about your beliefs even if they're different from yours, just because you are both learning more about each other.

  19. you need to talk to him straight out. tell him you will not marry him unless he has a conversation with you about this. i am sure that he will see that these comments hurt you and risk your relationship. but if religion is a main component in your life, i don't know exactly how you will make it work unless you sort this out now.  

  20. Talk to him about what you believe and ask him what he believes. if you can handle your faith being shaken go find some christian dude.  

  21. If you are having second thoughts about it and your not sure what you really want to do, then maybe you shouldn't. Marriage is a big step and a huge commitment, if things are already not working out right now and you aren't married, then think about how things are going to be when you are married. God will give you strength to make the right decision. God bless!  

  22. No hun ...if there is the slightest doubt ...then no ...

  23. When in doubt; don't is the best advice I have ever heard or given (and the most reliable, too).

  24. Don't marry him. Clearly he doesn't respect you or your feelings.

    Move on and find a man who does.  

  25. do not be unequally yoked.. getting married with this man would be a hugh mistake.. be patient and wait.. you know he is not the man for you.. the man you will marry is one the beleives as you believe.. he will be a good husband to you and a good father to your children.. he will teach your children about God. you must not compromise what is so important...  

  26. The fact that you evan asked this question proves there is dout in your mind,Getting married should be the happest day of your life,if your not 100% sure,if your not totally compatable it won't work out,you deserve some one who respects your relidion and who you are compfatable with

    best of luck with your desision.  

  27. this is a serious question... let me try answer your question

    first of all what you should do is dont leave him. because good people can fix bad people or good thoughts can fix bad thoughts and vice versa....

    If you have Strong Faith you can stay with him giving him some instruction about religeon.

    You are thinking to leave him and staying with him at the same time... this means your heart wants to stay with him and your mind doesn't..

    You know when your mind and your heart fight for one thing it means its not good for you(this is a say of a Great Humanity Leader). BUT you can make it good for you by not marrying him now but you can marry him latter.

    give him instructions and explainations. he may change his mind and stop doing whatever he does that you dont like and then he will be pure to marry you.

    you can change his faith.

    that's it.

  28. i think if u strongly believe in your christian faith you shouldnt do it. i was dating an agnostic and im jewish and i loved him and still do but i broke up with him just because i wouldnt marry him so there was no point to the relationship. it was one of the hardest things for me to do and it still bothers me to this day, i miss him so much and still love him, but this is how important religion is. plus think about how you guys would live your married life together. how would you raise kids? he doesnt seem 2 b too accepting of ur faith so would he let u raise kids as christians

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