
Should I really just put this behind in the past?

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I'm torn about this decision I'm trying to make. I've had 2 friends that I still go to school with that I've been friends with since day 1 at kindergarten(Probably not day 1 but you get it). I just started 8th grade so that's 9 years knowing them. I wasn't friends with one of them for awhile(Stephanie) but we knew each other and everything.I was best friends with the other(Marissa).Everything basically changed for us. last year in 7th grade, Marissa got her very first boyfriend who treated almost all her friends like c**p. He cheated on her 5 times with 5 different girls and she KNOWS that. Doesn't care. Me and my friend Vanessa tried to talk to her about it various times last year. It got to the point where she was calling us liars, her friend corned and threatened me and my friend Wendy in the bathroom. So we went to the VP. We didn't speak until December and this was like in September. Her and her boyfriend broke up. She wants me to call him. We speak for one week...Next week she calls and asks me to call him again. My mom says don't do it for her.I don't. We don't speak until June. She tells me she doesn't like me(Like I didn't already know) and a bunch of c**p that I could careless about. On the last day of school, my friend Megan leaks and Marissa tells me what happened. That was the very last time I spoke to her. I have a class with her and a lot of my friends are friends with her. I've been thinking about what to do...I want to forgive her and everything...But she's very manipulative. I was like her slave in 2nd grade. Has always treated me bad. But I've always stayed friends with her. That's just a small part of it. But we've had some good times like once or twice. Should I just put all this bull behind us and like try to get along with her or just forget about her all together?




  1. forget about her i went through pretty much the same **** only i was friends with my best friend for 11 years. she was the same way

    finally i ditched her and my life couldnt be better. we have all the friends but we deal

  2. I can relate, my best friend since kindergarten recently sneakily tried to ruin my life (and halfway succeeded).Then, when I saw her, she acted all fake best friend again. I think we both need to move on. <3

  3. A lot of friends are this way.

    Its sad to know....

    Anyways, you shouldn't completely erase should go to school and get along with her...

    She doesn't have to be your BFF. You guys can just be friends. Say hi and bye. You don't have to clue her in on every aspect of your life.

    I have a friend like her... we fight and then we apologize... so now we just say hi & bye and act like friends...

    But not really close!

    Good Luck,

    Jonas Obsessed!  

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