
Should I record cops when I get pulled over?

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I have been pulled over 3 times for my car for different occasions. And all the times the cops were *****. they searched my car. Gave me a Breathalyzers. I have been pulled over for different reasons. My dad bought this car for me for my 18 birthday. He got it for 2000. Its not the best car but it can get me to school and back. I don't know much about cars but my dads friend does.

1. The first fix it ticket. I got pulled over it was for my air intake. The cop originally said he heard me coming a mile away and said I had a modified exhaust. He only cited me for the air intake not the exhaust he did not tell me if it was illegal or not. Didn't really focus to tell me if it was illegal or not.

2. When I was coming home from work I I got pulled over and then the cop said i have a modified muffler. He told me it smelled like alcohol but I don't drink. So he made me take a breathalyser. He asked me to rev my engine and then he let me go. Later my dad had his mechanic friend check out my muffler with the db meter and said it was legal

3. When I was coming home from a friends house I got pulled over about my muffler he said it was too loud. I told him about the other times i got pulled over. and we had my dads mechanic friend check it out and the cop said"bottom line you have to change that muffler to stock". He asked me if I was drinking and he could check my car and he checked my trunk and my hood. Then he left me with a ticket that says its an infraction for a loud muffler.

I have a clean record. this is my first ticket. I got the ticket today and i have had the car for 4 years. The last couple months It feels like i have been harassed by cops.

Makes me wonder If i should record them while they pull me over. Is that legal? What should i do if they ask me to stop recording. I have the paperwork to prove everything is legal on my car.

how should I take care of the ticket?

is it worth the battle?

if so, any one know a good attorney in California that is affordable. I'm still a student .





  1. since you are still a student with limit resources, I will give you some free advice. I am typing really slow so you can understand


  2. Buddy, change the muffler. Its far cheaper than a lawyer.

    Nothing in your post smacks of harassment in the least.  Officers are receiving more training on what is, and is not, legal on modified cars.  No matter what your dB rating is, it can still be in violation of CVC 27150(a)

    Here it is uncut:

    27150.  (a) Every motor vehicle subject to registration shall at all times be equipped with an adequate muffler in constant operation and properly maintained to prevent any excessive or unusual noise, and no muffler or exhaust system shall be equipped with a cutout, bypass, or similar device.

    See this portion "maintained to prevent any excessive or UNUSUAL NOISE"

    This means, that anything other than stock, makes it an unusual noise and well all know that the "angry bees in a trash can" sound, is not stock.

    27150.2. (b) is the section that covers the decibels rating.  If you didn't get cited for this section, your dB levels mean nothing.

    Juts change the muffler or you'll keep on losing.

  3. How about fix your muffler and stop whining?  Sure, you can record the officer. He/She will be recording you as well. If you choose not to get it fixed, prepare to be stopped often. GET A CLUE!

  4. If you checked it and have papers saying that it is legal. Keep them in the glove box and show the cops next time they pull you over.

    Go to the judge with the ticket. Show the judge the papers that prove it is legal.

  5. Im sorry but i live and stay here in Ca and yeah if you have been pulled over that many times than i would change my muffler. Even tho your mechanic sais that it is legal the cops do not have a test on site to check.

    Or take it to court to get all the tickets drooped

  6. Most states require that you inform another person that they are being recorded for it to be legal and doing so would likely upset the officer who has the power to misuse the law and reem you.  

  7. Yeah,

    Sounds to me like the Officers are doing their jobs.  If your muffler is to loud then they can stop you for it.  Maybe you should consider doing something about your loud muffler instead of getting mad at the Police for stopping you for it.

    You may record the Officer that is stopping you as long as it does not interfere with their traffic stop.  So if your sticking the camera in the Officers face while he's trying to talk to you he'll probably ask you to put it down and talk to him.  If you fail to comply you could be charged with Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer (not sure how CA words there RDO laws).

    Fix your violation.

  8. I don't know about California, but here in Missouri after market mufflers louder than what the manufacturer puts on the car are generally illegal. Mechanics generally aren't the best people to answer your questions about the law. I would take your car to a licensed inspection center and ask them if your muffler is illegal or not.

    You can record the officers if you want, but nothing you posted here makes me think they are doing anything wrong.

  9. News Flash:  If you have been pulled over three times for a loud muffler, change the freaking muffler.  Regardless of whether or not its legal, it must be loud enough for people to think it's not.  Once you get it fixed you can take that to court and show you've fixed.

  10. If you've been stopped THREE times for a loud muffler, I would certainly have to assume that your muffler isn't legal.

    Pretty simple to me.

    Quit blaming the police for your problems.  

  11. install a hidden dashboard camera

  12. dont bother recording them.  news flash for you..... the red LED light in the patrol cars front window is a camera....  the police are recording everything.  FIX YOUR CAR OR KEEP GETTING STOPPED.  or if you wish waste the courts time and your money on an attorney, but in the end you will still continue to get stopped for driving a defective vehicle.

    P.S.  stop harassing the police and the community with your loud exhaust

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