
Should I refinance early or wait?

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My 2yr arm is ends in December? Can I refianance now? And If I do refinance now will I get penalyzed for doing it before December?




  1. Unless you have agreed to pay a prepayment penalty, it wouldn't matter.  Refinancing is expensive. Wait and see what your new rate is.  Refinancing may not be the best option.

  2. Depends on what state you live in and what the documents you signed say, but most do not assess pre-payment penalties. If you have the financial wherewithal to afford it, by all means do the refinance as soon as you can. Good luck.  

  3. You should modify your loan. I did with the american modification agency, i got a lower rate and caught up on my 2 missed payments without the cost of a refinance! theres no closing costs, appraisel fees or credit checks! it was litteraly the best thing i ever did to save me from going broke payin my mortgage everymonth with no money left over! my agents name was dave shevlin and his email was get in touch with him see if he can help you out too it cant hurt

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