
Should I register my son as a Northern Cheyenne Native American?

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My son is 8 and I just ran into his biological aunt the other day, he has never met his biological family, I always knew that he was Native American, his real dad's whole family is Native American, but the other day I finally found out what tribe he is from. How do I go about getting him registered, does this tribe still offer help with college or anything else?




  1. Yes, definately! I wish my family would've aknowledged our heritage more. I would start by looking up the website for the Northern Cheyenne Nation and contact someone with the tribe to get more info. Maybe your son's aunt can help? Good luck! I think your son should learn as much about his proud heritage as he can:)

  2. You will need to check with the tribal office to see if they will allow you to register him. Is your son adopted or born out of wedlock. That will make a difference to the tribal office.

  3. If you manage to get him enrolled in the Nation, are you going to let him have contact with his people?  Will you let him learn about the rich culture of his ancestors?  Or will you continue to raise him in the "white" world, apart from his ancestors culture?

    If you are only looking to get possible monetary benefits then NO you shouldn't pursue getting him enrolled.  If you truly want him to know about his fathers culture and people then YES go ahead and get him enrolled.

    One other question is whether his father will acknowledge him and his family accept him as one of their own.....

  4. i think you shoud register him as a Native American. Im not sure how you can but i think maybe you could call up a line in your states main office and request to have him registered. im pretty sure his tribe will offer all the help  with college and things like that  because the state could offer him special scholorships because of his ethnicity. And when you bring this about the state you have to bring proof and maybe some paper work along to prove your son as an authentic Native. this might be a long process. Good Luck :)

  5. If you are looking to allow him to become connected to his genetic background and culture, and even have contact with members of his biological family that could, if they wished to be a part, show him the way...he must be being raised by very loving parents.

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