
Should I relocate to another state while educated yet unemployed?

by Guest60998  |  earlier

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Here's my scenario: I graduated from college with my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration last year in June. I've been looking for work since then and I haven't had the best luck in GA where I'm from. I have some friends in Maryland who told me that the demand for jobs is pretty high and I started searching in that area since April. I've received a good amount of calls from there but I've been unable to make the interviews because of my part-time job and the money wouldn't be enough to get me back and forth to Maryland. Now, I recently lost my job and I still want to pursue looking for work and landing a job in Maryland. My question is: Would it be feasible for me to just pick up and move to Maryland without a job? I've weighed all the pros and cons of my situation and I feel like the move would be best because I'd have a better chance of making my interviews and possibly landing a job. The biggest con is that I won't have a job in Maryland, but I'm pretty much in the same position here in GA. On the other hand, when I get to Maryland, I do have a guaranteed place to stay and I won't have to pay any rent or utilities. Help!




  1. Go! If you have a place to stay then there should be nothing holding you back. I would try to pick up a part time job maybe as a waiter or something while you're interviewing just in case the process takes longer than what you anticipated. Good luck!

  2. It sounds as though you have a golden opportunity to go somewhere else to look for work.  But remember not to take advantage of the people who offer you lodging.  If they do not need your money then be helpful with chores and make looking for a job your job.  Good luck!

  3. sure to repay all the kindness of your host.....and I'm talking cash here..........

  4. YES!

    Go.  Explore.  Get the h**l out of GA.

  5. Try to save some money anyway.  It is always best to have a "nest egg" for emergencies.

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