
Should I remind him of what he did to me?

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Or will he remember? He was drinking but he was thinking clearly because he was capable of driving home. I know I'm gonna see him soon whenever they come over or whenever we go to their house, but I don't want him to be acting like he didn't do anything to me. He kissed me and told me he liked me a lot and he even tried making out with me, but the thing is he's 31, married, and has a son.

Even though he was drinking, do you think he remembers what he did?




  1. maybe not because he drank..

    did u kiss him back..

    if u did that was a really wrong choice to do...

  2. if you do bring it up (i'm no professional or anything) but you should definitely make sure he realizes that you were not ok with it, don't just remind him that it happened, if you dont tell him it was wrong he might not realize you had a problem with it at all

  3. so he was married, and you were leading him on while he was drinking eh....

    hmmm hear comes Karma

  4. he knows exactly what he did, and don't let the use of alcohol excuse what he did.  He was just taking advantage of the situation seeing how you would react.  I would let your mom know that you don't feel comfortable around him and ask not to be put in a situation where he can try to pressure you into  doing things you don't want to do.  or if he tries to do it again, kick him square in the nads and that will let him know you aren't interested.

  5. probably doe's it all the time,as long as he gets away with on your guard

  6. do u like him if yes then remind him and if not then just ignore

    or avoid him ,

    and it how could some body kiss anybody without her/his permission so its almost ur fault also and if yes then

    do whatever u want to do dont ask anybody as nobody could actually

    understand ur problem as u can  

  7. Of course he remembers what he did.  He might use drinking as an excuse for not remembering, but he remembers.

    However, he's married so you need to run the other way, and fast.  This is a guy who drinks and cheats on his wife.  Do you really want to be a part of that?

  8. Not only do you NOT wnt to remind him,  You want to saty as far away from him as possible.

    this guyis NOT natierl for you.  tell him to get lost.

  9. I think he remembers what he did.  But just because he was capable of driving home that doesnt really mean anything.  He should not have been driving if he was drinking!!  I would reminde him that he kissed you and if he doesnt seem ashamed of it tell his wife.. she has a right to know.

  10. Don't remind him. That'll make you look naggy. =\

    But I doubt he'll remember, because he was in fact drinking. o.o

    But what you SHOULD have done was swerved the car after he tried to kiss you, then called the cops and been like "OMG IM BEING ABDUCTED BY A DRUNK DRIVER!!" Then keep swerving the car when the cops were trailing you.

    That'd teach him. :P


  11. Not if he has "selective memory"

  12. I'm sure he remembers what he did. I hope he also realizes that it was wrong. Why would you want him to remember? I hope you don't want it to go any further than it did. That would be a huge mistake. You could ruin his marriage if this were to go to the next step. You should make it your responsibility to assure that it doesn't happen again. Put yourself in his wife's shoes, how do you think she'll feel if she finds out? So I don't think you should be focused on if he remembers or not but more focused on the reality of it being wrong and how you can prepare yourself to stop it if it ever happens again.

    Your additional details explains more and changes everything. You should tell your parents. You have nothing to be ashamed of and he should be ashamed. If you choose to not tell an adult, he'll probably do the same to another young girl and the outcome may be worse. Who's to say he hasn't done this before? He needs to be punished for what he did, alcohol induced or not.

  13. When drinking you say stuff that just does not make sense.He is married and has a son i dont think he was just thinking properly when he was drunk.If he was capable driving home how long was the journey did anyone drop him off instead?

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