
Should I remove the pot when planting aquarium plants?

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My last oscar resently passed on (RIP) and I can finally get some plants for my 60 gal. aquarium. I never had much luck with live plants, or had fish that liked them. I was wondering the best way to plant them so they have the best chance. Also I need some real fast growing plants because I got some pufferfish that get bored if they don't have plants to explore.




  1. Depending on the size of the stones you use you can take the plants out of the pot and plant them like you would an outdoor plant.  But make sure that the stones are deep enough where the roots aren't exposed and vulnerable to your fish eating them.  You can leave them in the pot if you want to but unless your stones are deep, the pot will show in the tank.

    If you have a pufferfish that fancys the plants, buy one or two larger ones so that he has something to do.  Also you can re-arrange them ocassionally to give him a different look and make the scenery different so he doesn't get bored.  Buy a new one now and then to keep his curiosity going.

  2. If at all possible, remove the plant from the pot.  The Puffer shouldn't bother the roots or have any issue uprooting plants, so there is no real need to have the pot anyway.  Keeping the roots restrained essentially stunts the plant's growth, while allowing it to root and spread in the substrate will give it a much better chance, especially if you used a fertilized bottom.  For easy and fast growing, there are few choices better than Water Sprite.  Java Moss and Java Fern don't grow too quickly, but fish love them anyway and they're very difficult to kill.  Also, Swords are very resiliant and their broad leaves are quite appealing.  Make sure your light bulbs are between 5,500 and 6,700K, as this range of the spectrum is ideal for photosynthesis.

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