
Should I repair my old washing machine or get a new one?

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I have a 16 year old Maytag Performa. It's recently sprung a leak. I could fix it myself, but it'll be a lot of work because the leak is internal and not one the feed hoses. Should I just get a new one? How long do washing machines usually last?




  1. they say the rule of thumb on washers and dryers is 7 years.

    any after that they suggest you buy a new one.

    good luck to ya

    most of mine have usually lasted at least 10 years.

  2. 16 years you got your money worth-if its the transmission /pump leaking-buy new washer

  3. buy new one

  4. Your washer has lasted longer than the average washing machine. But, it is a Maytag and those last a lot longer. If it's too much work, I'd buy a new one.

  5. It's shot but new isn't your only out.  Go to garage sales and look into local swap sheets alot cheaper and if you know what your looking at will last along time.  I never paid more than 75 bucks for one and the one I'm using now i've had for five years and is working great

  6. That's a long time for a Performa but it might something simple.Take putty knife and slide it in the front just below the top on each side to get the top up then see inside to tell where it might be from.After the top is up the front usually has couple of screws at the top or bottom to remove it.BE SAFE UNPLUG BEFORE REACHING IN.Some parts are not that expensive like hoses a pump maybe 60$ if it is the tub seal get a new washer not to high on the garage sale auction route roll of the dice.Nothing like hauling one in to leak as bad as yours.Age doesn't matter if it hasn't been used hard.

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